Ezio - Passero

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Part I
Hard rain battered against the tops of homes and buildings, rain dribbling from the slanted worn tiles. The sound of water trickling down walls could barely be heard over the downpour.

Y/N's frantic footsteps were the only sound that could be heard over the rain as she staggered through an alleyway, tears raining down her face, and adrenaline pumping through her veins.

She winced with every step, numbing pain jolting through her damaged leg. Her sobbing became gradually more contentious as she neared a dead end. It was too late to turn back.

She realized it was the end for her. They won. Her family was dead now, and she was next. She only hoped they would spare her the mercy of a quick death.

Y/N sloped against the wall as the loud footsteps and outcry of men came closer.

They definitely weren't city guards. They wore jet armor that was tightly fastened to their skin, and their faces were covered by thin cotton masks. They wielded a variety of weapons and tools.

She had no clue who they were, only that they showed no mercy to those they wanted dead.

"P-please..." Y/N wailed as the men neared her.

"You're the Passero we have been seeking... Cooperate and no further harm will come to you..." The largest man said with a breathy voice as he stepped closer to her.

Y/N shook her head violently as she spat at the men, backing up as far as she could into the stone wall.

"I'm no sparrow... Stay away from me!" She screeched, frightened at the abrupt title of a sparrow.

"Very well. We shall get what we desire, with or without your help..." The man asserted, drawing his long cutlass.

Y/N held up her arms in a pitiful attempt to protect herself. She waited for the feeling of steel colliding with her skin, but it never came. Instead, the sound of gurgles and metal clashing was heard.

With a shaky breath, Y/N looked to the source of the turmoil. To her utter shock, a white hooded figure was battling the men that sought to end her life, and winning.

Y/N froze as the last man fell. The white hooded figure pivoted and faced her.

She was about to yell at him, but the searing hot pain in her leg had other plans. With a loud groan, she fell to the ground, holding her knee where the wound was placed. She had never felt any pain like this before.

The hooded figure approached her and crouched down to her level.

"Are you alright belladonna?" The man asked his hand reaching out to touch her knee.

Y/N pulled back swiftly and scowled at him. She knew he had just saved her life, but after what she had just been through, she felt like nobody could be trusted.

"Who a-are you..." She cried out through clenched teeth, her voice almost carried away in the wind.

The figure only sighed.

"I promise no harm will come to you from me, belladonna. I can help you, but only if you allow me to..."

His voice was low and deep, almost solacing in a way. Solace was something she needed right now.

Y/N hesitated, knowing full well that this could be a trap, but eventually nodded slowly, realizing that this was an opportunity she couldn't pass up.

The figure cushioned her knee in his hand and positioned it to a more comfortable area. He ripped a piece of cloth from her already torn and dirty tunic harshly, the red cloth soaked from the rain. Without reluctance, he wrapped the cloth over the injury.

"This may hurt..." He murmured.

Y/N nodded slowly, and put her fist in her mouth, as a sort of a distraction.

The man gently prodded the cloth, causing Y/N to wince in pain. She let out a few sharp breaths now and then as he did his work. He did it a few times until the cloth was mostly soaked in thick scarlet blood that blended with the fine maroon cloth.

"Can you walk?" He asked, hardly expecting an answer.

As if on command, Y/N stood up. She tried to stand straight, but it was as if her leg simply ceased to function. Without warning, she fell to the side. The hooded man caught her in his arms.

She looked up to see a faint face and features despite the darkness. She couldn't see much, only his dark eyes and a scar that ran down the right side of his lips.

Y/N looked away, an attempt to save herself some humiliation, and the figure wrapped his arms around her waist in an attempt to stable her.

"I know of someone that can assist you further, but they are quite aways away," the voice murmured lowly.

"Alright... take me to them," Y/N murmured, hoping the Gods would be kind and make her not regret this decision, though she had no reason not to trust him thus far.

The man suddenly picked Y/N up bridal style. She was surprised at how quickly he swooped her up but felt relieved when the pressure off her leg was removed.

"I never asked... What is your name?" Y/N asked.

The figure turned down to look at her.

"Ezio. Ezio Auditore."

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