Jacob - Mr. Frye

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I'm such an idiot. Such a fucking idiot. What was I thinking!? Y/N screamed silently at herself as she whizzed down the Whitechapel boulevards.

Y/N was part of the blighters, one of the nastiest, most feared gangs in all of London. Their very name was enough to send a shiver down someone's spine.

The Blighters were the top dogs, that was until the Frye twins decided to show up.

The blighters misjudged the very cleverness and strength of the twins, especially after they started their gang, The Rooks.

The name could use a bit of work, of course, but the Rooks outmatched the Blighters in every area.

But what was even more intimidating were the leaders of The Rooks, the Frye Twins.

A set of siblings that abruptly arrived in London a few months ago. The Blighter's first mistake was dismissing them.

And now, Y/N was being chased by Jacob Frye, the gentleman in the pair of twins.

You see, she had made the very foolish decision of sneaking into their not-so-secret train hideout in an attempt to get away with any variety of information.

Unfortunately, Y/N wasn't the lightest on her feet and ended up tripping over a shoe left on the lavish floor of a train car, alerting the infamous Jacob Frye of her presence.

She attempted to run, but the hunk of a man was surprisingly fast.

The two had interacted many times, often ending up with some flirty banter, and Jacob attempting to get between her legs., but she always got away in the end. Y/N was a remarkably stunning young woman, so it was likely that a man like Jacob Frye would try to seduce her.

But the worst part was the bastard had a smirk on his face every time he chased after Y/N as if the damn man enjoyed the pursuit.

Y/N got exceptionally frustrated each time the assassin hunted her down, but she must admit, having a powerful assassin, (who was very attractive) chase after she was quite invigorating.

After what seemed like hours of being chased, the young Blighter finally lost the assassin, and her ability to walk.

All the adrenaline she had faded, and now all her energy fled her as well.

She walked through a dirty alleyway, relying on the sturdy brick wall to keep her B/T body from falling over.

Oh! Right! Did I mention that the Blighter woman happened to steal a sheet of neatly written plans while she was riding the train? That will be important later.

By now, it was pouring. Eventually, Y/N lost all sense of time, and at that point, it was just one foot in front of the other. Hell, she didn't even know where she was anymore.

She longed for a belly full of mead and the joyous sounds of laughter coming from her fellow Blighters.

But she still had a long way to go to the next hub. She groaned lightly.




The sound of two bodies colliding filled the air as Y/N was tackled to the ground.

She let out a slight, "oof" as her body was slammed into the soft dirt.

Y/N felt someone's strong hands pin her own behind her back. Whoever was on top of her was freakishly strong. Or maybe she was just weak? Anyway, on with the story.

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