Jacob - Bloodline

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It wasn't a shock that Y/N's dad would be the one to attempt to get her abducted seemingly out of nowhere. He was the cruel sort, and as of late, would have stopped at nothing and nobody to get what he wanted.

She supposed that was what happened when your sovereignty was threatened.

It had happened so unexpectedly. It had been a relatively pleasant day. It was a comfortable temperature and there were very few clouds mottled in the sky. A rather perfect day for a morning stroll to clear her head.

Little did she know this wasn't going to end as pleasantly as it started.

She knew of the Blighter's presence in London. Everyone did. You were either a fool or new to London if you didn't. But unless you gave them trouble or seem like you had something of significance, they typically left you alone, dedicating their efforts to more fortuitous causes.

That's why you could understand the genuine alarm that she felt when a group of not-so-friendly-looking Blighters showed up, clearly looking for trouble, and by the way they battered menacingly over to her, Y/N expected that she was the unfortunate pray for them today.

She was in Whitechapel, a place where police control was not very reliable. It was rare to see an officer policing the streets, therefore she wasn't in any position to ask for help or security. Not that she would have anyway.

She wasn't very skilled when it came to fighting either. She could throw a punch or two if it came down to it, but when it came to members of an actual gang? She stood no chance.

Her best bet was just to flee. So Y/N did. She didn't get far though. As expected, the group who had previously been approaching her had caught up to her. Their eyes were full of malice. The group surrounded her, all watching her every move carefully.

She made an attempt to scream, but just as soon as she did, one of the henchmen, a quite beefy man with a shiny barren head, covered her mouth and jerked her arms behind her back roughly, curtailing any hope of withdrawing.

"Just cooperate little lass and no harm will come to ye'" one of the smaller men said, bearing crooked yellow teeth.

Y/N knew there was no point in struggling. Following their directions was her best shot at surviving, but she was terrified deep down. Who wouldn't be? Her heart was pounding and her body was trembling violently. Any attempt to hide her fear was pointless.

Before she could even start thinking straight, a hard metal object collided with the side of her skull, and everything went black.


When she opened her eyes, Y/N was entertained with a splintering headache, the unpleasant smell of mildew, dust, and an empty warehouse.

When she tried to move, she quickly realized that she was restrained.

The recollections came rushing back to her, and she quickly recognized what had gotten her in this inconvenient position.

Her hands were tied tightly to a pole she was seated up against. The fibers rubbed against her skin, creating a very uncomfortable inflammation. Her mouth was covered with a thin piece of cloth.

Y/N was about to cry out for help when she conveniently heard a door slam behind her.

Her body tensed as she heard a pair of footsteps approach her from behind.

It was two men. One was the brute who had seized her earlier. The other was a grimy-looking man. His hair was a filthy blonde, which could easily be compared to a mop. He had a scruffy unkempt beard, and his scarlet red uniform was smothered in silt. He reeked of cheap mead.

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