Altaïr - Leap of faith

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A loud shriek erupted from the tower.

"Y/N, come on. It's not that bad..." A masculine voice sounded out, a hint of amusement rolling off his tongue.

Y/N nearly clung to the man, trembling out of pure terror, similar to how a toddler would to its mother.

The male sighed and gently nudged the trembling girl off of him.

"I know you are frightened, but I promise you'll be okay. I am your mentor, would I lie to you?" The male reassured softly, his large hands resting on her shoulders.

Y/N was mentored by the infamous master assassin, Altaïr Ibn-La'ahad. He was usually harsh and tough to those not close to him, but he had a soft spot for Y/N. He appreciated her company, which was extremely unusual for him.

"Altaïr, I can't do it. I will kill myself!" Y/N whimpered, eyes not leaving the board sticking out of the steeple.

Altair realized the girl's phobia of heights, but he didn't realize the capacity of it. For her to be a successful assassin, she would have to overcome it, no matter how overwhelming it may be.

He snickered when he heard Y/N squeal and jump back after looking at the rim. She was adorable when she was scared.

He put his hands on her shoulders once more and looked her in the eyes.

"Y/N, I know you are scared, but you are an assassin. I believe you can do this. You are a powerful, remarkable woman and I know you can overcome anything. You will face challenges in the future, this being one of them, but to be a successful assassin, you must rise above them. Yes, this is a risk, but you must take a leap of faith and take the chance, even though you are scared," Altair soothed, confidence and reassurance coating his words as he watched her every move.

Y/N gradually felt her anxiety wash away as Altaïr alleviated her, and she looked her teacher straight in his golden eyes.

She breathed softly and beamed confidently at him. He released his gentle hold on her shoulders and watched her saunter over to the plank jutting out of the tower, gulping at the mountainscape and horizon in front of her.

The sky was stained orange. A relatively beautiful sight. She only hoped it wouldn't be the last thing she saw.

He could see how uneasy and anxious she was, but he knew deep down she would jump at some point. She was stronger than he could even comprehend.

With one deep breath, and Altair's words fresh on her mind, she leaped.

She felt the wind lash at her H/C locks and the grand screech of an eagle ring from the distance.

The plunge was short, but the adrenaline pumped through her veins the moment her feet left the board beneath her.

She felt the air depart her lungs when she made contact with a pile of hay. It was tough and scratchy, but at least she didn't break anything.

She bounced out of the hay pile and began jumping and squealing with pride, forgetting how to walk for a minute. Luckily, her mentor was there to catch her before she fell to the ground. He had a large grin on his face, a remarkable sight.

Y/N whipped her head up to face her handsome mentor, a smile spreading from ear to ear.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he cradled her.

The adrenaline still very much present, she kissed him. It was passionate and full of excitement. It was thoughtless, but by the time she realized what she was doing, it was too late to pull away.

Altaïr cupped her face with both of his hands and leaned in further.

Y/N promptly pulled away, her eyes instantly hitting the ground. She cleared her throat embarrassingly and tucked a piece of H/C hair behind her ears.

Altaïr snorted and pulled her back to his lips. His arms snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer to him. He had waited so long for this moment.

It was true, Y/N had a minor crush on her mentor, but seeing how he cared for her, and the rush of adrenaline she had, she decided maybe it was a good thing she had kissed him.

Altaïr pulled away breathlessly, his arms still holding her. He smiled.

"Jesus Y/N... Why did you finally decide to kiss me?" He said, baffled.

Y/N giggled.

"As you said, Altaïr, sometimes you have to leap of faith."

I'm back :D.

Idk about you, but I thought this scenario was really cute. Altair is a softie under that tough hide.

Anyways, sorry it took so long to update. I've been busy and had writer's block. I will try my very best to continue adding to this!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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