Ezio - Double Trouble

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Ezio Auditore and Vierri De Pazzi had been sworn enemies since they were children. Their families weren't necessarily on great terms either.

To make matters more extreme, since they were mere children, they both had been fighting to win the heart of Y/N L/N.

All those factors made rivalry between the two inevitable.

Y/N enjoyed the attention, she had to admit, but she hated the fact that the two boys couldn't stand each other because of her. She cared for them both in her way. She only wished the two could get along.

But, she had grown accustomed to it, seeing that she had practically grown up with it, but now, all of a sudden, things were more intense.

Recently, the boys had been more... violent the older they've gotten.

It had evolved to more than petty insults or hateful looks. Now the boys resorted to more physical methods.

One particular day happened to be the last straw.

The day started faultlessly. Y/N wakened to freshly cut fruit and wine on her bedside, along with freshly washed extravagant robes.

Warm daylight pooled through her balcony and dabbled her bedsheets.

Her life was a luxurious one, she had to admit. She was never without thanks to her family that spoiled her all her existence, and the maids who catered to her every want and need.

After getting full, she dressed in a fine white gown. It was one of her more lavish ones, with silks imported from far away places that Y/N hoped to visit one day.

Y/N settled politely at her vanity, gently brushing her hair and adorning herself with fine jewelry when a noise erupted from her balcony.

She whirled her head around startled but breathed a sigh of relief when her eyes met fellow noble, Ezio Auditore's.

She and Ezio had been fast companions since they were merely children. She cared for him greatly, but the issue was that she shared feelings with another. Vierre De Pazzi. To make matters more tricky, both boys were infatuated with her as well. It was a matter of choosing who she wanted to spend her life with.

It was an extremely difficult decision. She cared for them both individually for different reasons, and she didn't want to ruin her relationship with either of them.

Y/N arose from her vanity to greet Ezio. She leaned to kiss him on the cheek but hesitated when she saw a rather worried look on his face. She furrowed her brow.

"Ezio? Is everything alright?" Y/N questioned. She was concerned.

Ezio shook his head and sighed, rubbing his temples.

"It's Vierre. The Bastardo has officially crossed the line," he said, sitting on the edge of Y/N's bed, his hind sinking into the mattress.

"Care to elaborate?'' She asked plainly as she seated herself next to him.

Ezio sighed once more.

"He's officially lost it! He challenged me to a duel. Whoever defeats the other wins your heart... And your hand in marriage..." Ezio threw his hands up.

"Are you kidding me!?" Y/N roared, standing up from the bed in rage.

"He's bartering me? Like a prize!?"

Ezio looked sympathetically at her, feeling just as frustrated as she looked.

"I can't deny his challenge, otherwise I forfeit and he automatically 'wins' you," Ezio let out.

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