Important Announcement

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Hi! It has come to my attention that someone copied some of my scenes and ideas and passed as one of her own work. I know that it is not wrong to make an inspiration from my story but to copy the sentences and then paraphrase or change few words or copy the exact scene and alter some words to make it look different won't make it yours. It has copyright mark at the beginning. I would often stay late at night to compose these words and would think ideas how to make it more enjoyable.  I put so much time and effort in making this story. There are consequences to our actions. To all my loyal readers, thank you for your concerns. Please respect the work of an author.  Love you all!

P.S. Two people have reported the SAME story telling me that it copied some of my scenes. I would make sure to make actions regarding this matter. I would not humiliate you, but you know WHO YOU ARE!!  Please do read my story again and if ever you find that story, with the same scenes, words and paragraph as mine. Then you already know.  Heartbroken at the moment.💔
                                                     Ms. Sab

The Mysterious Girl of Clantania Academy(The missing Princess)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon