Psionic Love (Kwannon, aka Psylocke)

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"Hey, kid! Stay with me!" Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, had just completely destroyed an underground facility owned by The Hand. He was surprised that the facility wasn't found earlier by Daredevil but he didn't have the mind to even think about it at the moment. He was very worried about the little asian girl he had found locked up in the facility to even think about what his friend may or may not have done. The little girl was very weak, almost on the verge of death if he didn't act fast enough. "You are going to be ok! So don't close your eyes!"

"Ma... ma..." Peter registered the soft voice of the little girl, focusing on that very detail she had let him know. It would be best to search for her mother as the little girl is attended by the doctors in the hospital that he was swinging to. "Ma... ma..."

"Hey... It's okay. I'll find your mother, so just try and stay awake" Peter yelled, he was trying to arrive as fast as he could. He didn't want to have another kid in his consciousness. He had already suffered through that particular event, and he really couldn't handle it again. So with a new purpose in sight, he rushed even further to reach the hospital in time.

Time Skip

"You arrived just in time, Spider-Man. She would have died if you wouldn't have found her when you did" Peter sighed in relief as he relaxed in the chair he was currently sitting on. He looked at the doctor, who was looking through the documents that were created for the little girl he had just rescued. "Though what surprises me is something in her biology..."

"Meaning?" Peter sat even straighter in his chair, his hands gripping the handles of the chair with slight force. It made him worry even further than before. He knew that every disease could be dangerous if time had been left without treating it.

"She is a mutant... Or at least, she has the mutant gene in her DNA'' Peter raised an eyebrow as he sucked the information told to him by the doctor in front of him. He closed his eyes, thinking to whom the little girl may be connected with. He really needed to call Logan to see who had a lost child in the mutant rankings. It was the easiest way to find the mother of the little girl. "But besides that, she is just a bit dehydrated and malnourished. She should be alright after a few weeks"

"Thanks, doctor..." Peter stood up, walking away from the room. He needed to make the call right away. He had promised the little girl that he was going to find her mother, and he was not going to break his promise.

Time Skip; With Kwannon

The asian mutant assassin sat on her knees in her own room in Krakoa. Her eyes were closed as she just let herself wander through the memories of her past. She has yet to forgive herself from not being able to find her daughter, having been taken away from her. It was painful to her heart, remembering her daughter was the only thing that made her be able to keep on going day in and day out

"What I would do to be able to see you again..." She muttered, a single tear being shed from her right eye. Her heart still suffers just the same way she had suffered that day. She had tried to seek every single detail she could to be able to find her, but not a single hint had led her to her daughter. Day in and day out she had tried to find her, but fate was against her. "My beautiful-"

"Kwannon" She stopped talking on her own, hearing the gruff voice of Wolverine through her door. She had a snark on her face, angry at the fact that someone had dared to interrupt her on the day she had personally asked to be left alone. So standing up and conjuring a psionic blade, she walked with the purpose of killing the brain of the Wolverine. "I have information that may lead you to your daughter"

She suddenly stops her action, the psionic blade disappearing completely as her eyes widen in surprise. She was openly crying at the mention of her daughter, the one thing that had eluded her from the moment that she had been taken away from her. Her snark changed into a hopeful smile, her beautiful purple colored lips demonstrating just how happy those news made her.

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