Chapter 10

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I followed the guys downstairs. I watched as they all got ready to head out. It was interesting what each deemed necessary for this excursion. Milo grabbed a jacket. Kai strapped on several intimidating daggers. He kept one out.

Holden poured a bit of water into three glasses. Curious, I headed over for a closer look. Kai took the blade and pricked his finger. Ruby red blood welled at the tip. He reached out and let a drop fall into each cup.

"Wait a minute," I said. "You're not about to do what I think you're going to do, right?"

In horror, I watched as Milo, Felix, and Holden all picked up a glass. Kai smirked, but didn't acknowledge me. I huffed out a breath. I didn't like being ignored.

"That's so unsanitary," I whined, cringing. They downed the liquid. It was obvious they had done this before. "Is this like a pre-monster fight ritual?"

"Reaper blood," Holden explained. "It allows us to see past the veil between this world and the afterlife."

"Makes complete sense," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Felix met my eyes before his eyes drifted down. "Are you checking me out? Wait, you can see me?!"

"Ghost Girl, you are not what I expected," Felix said suggestively. I used enough energy to smack the back of his head.

"Yes, we can see you," Milo told me. "We usually take some of Kai's blood when on a case."

"Yeah, can't really fight the stuff if we can't see it," Felix added. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I fidgeted and waved my hand.

"Well, um- hi," I stuttered out. I wished I could just float away. Felix laughed, but Milo sent me a small smile. Holden even sent me a quick wave back.

"We need to head out," Kai stated, grabbing the attention of the room.

"Can you calm down buzzkill? You're ruining my moment of people being able to see me," I snapped without thinking.

"Really cause it seemed like you were just going to stand there like a deer in the headlights stuttering." I glared at him.

"Well, excuse me if I need a moment," I said. "It's only been ten years!" He rolled his eyes and returned my glare.

"I saw you days ago," he pointed out. I snorted.

"I don't count you," I told him. "I only count people I like."

"Am I supposed to care if you like me or not?" he asked, disinterested. I shrugged.

"You do you, buttercup." Felix swaggered in between us. He smirked at me.

"So does this mean you like me, Ghost Girl?" I frowned.

"Sometimes," I replied honestly. "You did make a Ouija Board for me."

Kai groaned and headed for the front door. Holden trailed after him. Giving Kai a wide berth, I charged out of the house. Standing on the road, I felt a little self-conscious, but I pushed that down. The boys filed out of the house.

"This way!" I cheered, pointing down the road toward the market. Kai charged forward without looking back. I fell into step with Milo and Felix.

I had walked to the market more times than I could count. This was different. For once, I wasn't alone. We walked in silence for a bit. I didn't really know what to say. It was weird being seen.

"So your sketch of me was pretty good," I pointed out to Milo. Looking surprised, he nodded. A faint blush bloomed on his cheeks.

"School uniform, huh?" Felix teased. I rolled my eyes. I wished I could change my outfit, but no matter what I tried, it wasn't possible.

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