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In school, whenever they asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said I wanted to be a writer. I loved reading, and books were one of my only escapes from reality. They allowed me to be someone else, be somewhere else, even if it was just for a few hours. It was one of the few things that made my life bearable.

Eventually I tired of other authors' worlds and wanted to craft my own. Being able to make my own characters, make a new world, and decide what would happen sounding appealing. It helped that it annoyed my parents to no end.

Writing was not a suitable career for a young lady in our prominent family. Nothing I did ever made them happy. Appearances were everything, and I had a bit of a rebellious streak. They threatened to send me away to an all-girls reformatory. They never got the chance, but I digress.

I guess now is as good a chance as any to make my mark on the world. I finally have the perfect story to write about. It helps that it is my story. Nothing is fictional. I didn't have to escape into another world, or make up characters. I never will have to again.

If you're reading this, that means I must have piqued your interest. I can't blame you. I'm a very interesting person. My entire existence has been anything but boring. That's one reason I've written my life down for all of you to enjoy and be jealous of. I never claimed to be humble.

Oh wait, don't misunderstand. This isn't about my living life. Oh no! That was a load of shit with a terrible ending. No point in revisiting that. This story is about my after life. Way more fun, at least now it is. They made it so much better. He made it better. It wasn't always like this.

Don't worry, though, I'll get to all that soon. You just sit back, relax, and grab some wine and tissues just in case. It's a bit of a roller coaster. Fair warning, if it randomly cuts off Kai has found me. Send help.

I don't know if I'm allowed to share this with you, but I haven't been told that I can't. Ask forgiveness, not permission, right? Milo agreed with me, though. You will think this is fake. That's okay, ignorance is bliss.

Hang on tight and buckle up buttercup, cause here we go!

Happy Update Day! The next chapter is already up on my Patreon. The link is in my bio! Happy Reading!!

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