Chapter 17

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"What do you mean 'Marge was here'?" Felix asked for about the fiftieth time.

"I meant exactly what I said," I spoke each word slowly. "Marge showed up outside."

I stood opposite the four of them in the living room. Milo had come to check on me and had immediately noticed that something was off. When I mentioned Marge, he called for the others. We searched the area, but there was no sign of her. Even Kai's magic couldn't detect anything. He said it might have been because I was there, though. An interference of sorts.

We headed back inside, and that's when the interrogation began. What had she said, where had she'd been, where did she go? The questions wouldn't stop. Frustration built because I had zero answers.

"Look," I snapped, cutting off whatever was about to come out of Holden's mouth. "I went outside for some space, and she popped up out of nowhere. She told me to get away from here. She seemed to think that you guys and supernaturals are, in general, horrible, evil liars. I tried to ask her about what happened and where she had been, but she was cagey about it. She said the dark creatures got Jerry at the market."

I choke out the last of the words. Pain still blazed like a roaring fire in my chest. The guys fell silent at my words.

"What do you know about Marge?" Kai asked, breaking the silence. He gazed toward the other side of the room, his eyes narrowed. I shrugged.

"Not a lot," I told him. "I met her at the market and that became our meet up spot. She said she died after taking something experimental in the sixties or seventies, maybe. She's always been a calm if not eccentric presence. I've never seen her frantic like she was tonight."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Felix asked, glancing at Kai. Kai nodded.

"What?" I asked, looking between the two of them.

"She knows something," Kai stated. "At the very least."

I waved my hands at him. "No, no, no, Marge is not wrapped up in this. She was probably just hiding like she said."

"She got away from the dark entities," Felix pointed out. "That's almost impossible as a spirit."

"I got away from them," I tried to defend. Kai glanced at me.

"With help," he bit out. I huffed out a breath, trying to think of something else. I knew Marge wasn't in on this. She wouldn't be.

"She tried to lure you away from the house," Milo said. I looked at him with wide eyes. Et tu, Milo?

"She was trying to help me," I explained again. "She thought you guys would hurt me."

"She knows about the supernatural," Holden stated.

"That doesn't mean she is a part of the summonings!"

"It doesn't mean she's not," Kai retorted. I threw up my hands, my frustration and anger reaching an all-time high.

"We can't do anything about it right now," Holden said, stepping in between me and the rest of the group. "When we see her again, we'll ask her and get some answers."

I nodded. "Innocent until proven guilty, I agree."

Fortunately, they let it drop, at least for now. Holden got to work on dinner, and Kai disappeared upstairs. Milo, Felix, and I stayed in the living room. We chatted and relaxed, avoiding the serious topics no one wanted to get back into right now.

Holden served dinner, but Kai didn't come back down. The guys sat at the table. I watched from the kitchen counter. I felt out of place and unsettled. It didn't help when Felix surveyed the room, his eyes passing right over me.

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