Chapter Five

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"Come on Draco. We'll be late."

"Lilith. I doubt he'll even care."

"Do you want an extra day if he decides to care today? You saw how he was earlier."

"Okay, okay. You have a point."

Draco does a short, quick jog to catch up to me. We reach the door at 6:02pm. We walk into the classroom and place our books on two separate desks. What we've all learned is that Professor's want students separated during detention unless stated otherwise. The rooms becomes eerily silent as we wait. 5 minutes go by, then 10, and then 15.

"Do you think he forgot?"

Asks Draco, curiously.

"I don't think so. That isn't like him."

"He must be in a meeting then. With Dumbledore maybe."

"Yea he could be. Let's wait another few minutes and then find another Professor, they might know."


Draco scribbles on a torn piece of parchment, shifting in his seat as he becomes impatient and bored. I rest my head on my arms as I feel myself getting tired. Another 10 minutes pass by slowly. Right as Draco and I decide to go find Professor McGonagall, the door swings open. Professor Snape charges inside.

"Detention is canceled. You need to leave."

Professor Snape says in a tone that I can't quite explain. He almost sounds panicked, scared even. Draco snaps his head towards me, giving me a look of confusion. I shrug. As Draco collects his stuff, I push my notebook to the far side of the table, hiding it behind a cauldron. Professor Snape stands in front of the one window that's down here. His back faces us, he doesn't turn to say goodbye, it's as if he's frozen solid. The only thing moving is his hair as the light breeze comes through the window.
Draco and I leave without saying another word. We wait until we're already up the stairs before saying anything.

"What do you think that was about?"

Asks Draco.

"I couldn't tell you."

"Maybe he got in trouble with Dumbledore or McGonagall."

I shrug again. My mind sorts through different reasons as to why he may be upset. Draco's idea is one, another is that he's just having a bad day, and then it hits me. Something must of happened with my father. He's been pushing tasks on everyone lately. I've seen what happens when people crack under the pressure of my fathers rulership. We're just about halfway to the common room when I decide it's time to slip back.


Draco stops in his tracks. His arm reached out to me to make sure I'm not hurt.

"What is it?"

"I forgot my notebook."

"I can come back with you, if you want?"

"No, it's okay. I'll just meet up with you in the common room."

"Okay. See you later Lil."

I turn and head back the way we just came. I try and silence my footsteps as I walk down the stairs, and then down the hall, back to his class. I knock lightly.

*Knock, Knock*


I turn the knob slowly, as if not to make any noise even though he knows someone's coming in. I slip inside. I find him still standing the way we left him.

"You've come back."

He still hasn't moved. He didn't turn around to check on who came in. I could of been anyone else.

"Uhm yes. I forgot my notebook."

"Hm. I see."

I walk over to the desk where I left my book. My hand lands on top, ready to pick it up when I stop and think. The atmosphere feels very sorrowful. Something is off.


He doesn't speak. He makes a slight humming noise.


I pile my books on the table and walk closer to him, stopping at the small step that leads to his desk. I don't get to close, I try to keep my distance so I don't make him uncomfortable.

"I'm sure this is out of line. But, are you alright?"

The room becomes dead silent, breathing can't be heard. I watch as he turns his head around a little bit until he can see me. I notice that his eyes are glossy, as if he's holding back tears. He sighs.

"It's nothing.I-I'm fine."

"I'm not some kind of snitch who'll run off and tell my friends or my dad."

"It's a grown up matter Ms. Rid-.. Lilith."

"If I can be a part of my fathers meetings, hearing, and seeing what happens during those, I can handle this."

He takes a long inhale, letting it out slowly. His shoulders drop, showing me he's relaxing a little.

"I'm fine Ms. Riddle. You're beginning to step out of line."

I've seen him like this only one other time. It was about three years ago. My father pulled him aside after a meeting. I didn't hear the entire conversation so I don't know exactly what happened but I heard Severus lying about how he's feeling. This is his tell, when he becomes defensive, especially about his feelings.

"It's all becoming too much. Albus, your father. I-I don't know what to do."

"I do."

I say under my breath, forgetting that he can hear me. Right now, I don't care.


"I know how to fix this."

"Lilith, what are you talking about?"

He finally turns around. His eyes are now bloodshot from forcing his tears away.

"I'll be back."

Before I give him a chance to say anything, I pull my school robe up and around me, causing a black puff of smoke to form around me. He watches as the smoke mixes with my school robe, becoming a flying void. My body slips from the classroom, the wind pushing some papers off his desk and onto the floor. The window shutter sways as I pass through it. I can see him leaning slightly out of the window.


His voice fades away as I fly farther and farther from the school. He lets a single tear fall as he watches me go.

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