Chapter Thirty Three

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The three of us say in unison as we push through her classroom door.
"I'm assuming you three have come to some conclusion?"
She asks. Laughing as the three of us fall onto the floor. Tripping over each other's feet and robes.
"It's the bracelet!"
I say quickly as I push myself up.
"Bracelet? He doesn't wear jewelry."
She says more as a question than a comment.
"I know. I didn't gift it to him since he's not one to wear any. It must of been given to him. He wouldn't buy it."
I reply.
"Someone will have to get it from him and hopefully he'll revert back to normal. It hasn't been long."
Speaks Draco from the floor.
"It'll have to be one of you boys or you Minerva. You and Severus are very close."
I watch as Professor McGonagall stands from her desk.
"That's for the best. Stay here until I return."
She pats me on the shoulder before leaving from her classroom.
Draco and Blaise join me at my sides as I look out of the window that pans out over the black lake. No one speaks but their thoughts are loud.
"I know Minerva will fix this."
Thinks Draco.
"Things will be okay Lil."
Blaise's thought pops up.
Stars shine brightly over the lands, reflecting like crystals on the water. Time is moving slow as we wait, causing my anxiety to rise. About twenty minutes later, the door opens.
My name falls from a familiar voice. I turn.
He walks forward, not stopping until his arms are wrapped tightly around me.
"Im so sorry. I hope you know that wasn't me talking."
He says into my ear.
"I know love. You were hexed."
Our arms slowly unwind from one another.
I give his hand a firm squeeze before letting go. The five of us now standing in a circle.
"Do you remember who gave you the bracelet?"
Asks Blaise.
"No one. The box was on my desk this morning."
He answers, not looking away from me.
"Was there a note?"
He fumbles through his robe pocket before handing a small piece of parchment over to me. The top says 'Severus'. Once I open it, I skim over the note, nothing of true importance. Just someone's thanks for being a good teacher. The note is signed:
"M. Withers."
I flip the parchment over to see if anything was written on the back. When I find it blank, I slip it into the trash.
"Will you excuse the three of us for a moment?"
I say.
I say in a low voice. I walk swiftly to the door with the boys right on my tail. A few short moments later we arrive at the Ravenclaw tower.
"Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?"
Spoke the painting.
"A circle has no beginning."
Answers Blaise.
The door opens, gasps and looks of confusion come from the students who are still up.
"Where is he?"
I ask loudly.
"Lilith? What's going on?"
Luna asks as she runs over to us.

"Severus was hexed. Where is Withers?"
I say quietly.
"He's in his dorm."
Says Luna.
"Thank you love."
I squeeze her forearm before bolting up the stairs to the boys dormitory's. Draco and Blaise following behind me.
I flick my wand at the handle of the door, it flies open.
Says one of the Ravenclaw boys.
"What are you doing in here?!"
Another one snaps from the back corner.
Speaks Withers, getting out of bed.
Before he even stands, my hand is wrapping itself around the collar of his shirt. Shoving my way through the door and back down the stairs. On the last step, I throw Withers to the floor.

"What the hell withers?!"
I snap.
Professor McGonagall and Severus stand shocked on the inside of the door. Never seeing me touch another student in such an aggressive manner.

"If you're not Draco, Blaise, Luna, or the two Professors standing in this room I best suggest you get out!"
I yell, letting the curious students know to leave.

"And so help me if I find one of you peering around the corner!"
At that, the remaining students flee around us and up to their dorms, door shutting and locking in all directions behind us. Once the common room clears out, I take a few steps forward, standing level to Withers.
"What the fuck Withers?! You could of seriously messed him up!"
I snap at him again.
"I-. Uh-."

"Uh? Uh? What? Don't you know basic vocabulary?!"

"You're close with him. He's your tutor. And he worked with you and your father outside of school."

"Don't you dare bring my father into this!"

"Sorry...What I mean is, he must know things about you...favorite color, most hated class...and who you have a crush on..."

"I don't have a crush on anyone."
I say.

"You must. I hexed the bracelet so he'll be mad with you and cancel tutoring. That's when I would of picked up extra lessons with him to find out who you like and to know if I have a chance."

I scoff.
"You really think you'd have a chance with me? Look at what you've done Withers! You've caused harm to a Professor."

"She's right Mr. Withers. This technically falls under attack of a teacher. I'll let Professor Dumbledore decide your consequences. You'd be lucky if he doesn't expel you."
Speaks Professor McGonagall. Approaching the four of us slowly. Severus watches from a safe distance with Luna.

"Mr. Zabini. Mr. Malfoy. Please escort Mr. Withers to the Headmasters office."
She says.

Blaise and Draco link arms with Withers. Not giving him a proper chance to stand up before dragging him from the common room. Luna comes to my side and rubs her hand on my back, relaxing me. This is something we've done since our first year to help calm each other down.

"Thank you love. You can go to your room. I'll have Blaise meet you in the morning."
I say in a whisper.
"Good night Lil."
Says Luna before disappearing around the corner herself.
"Severus, I think it's time to escort Lilith back to her dorm for the night."
Says Minerva.
"Of course."
He answers back.

His hand rests on my lower back, guiding me out into the empty corridor. The walk back to the Slytherin dorms is quiet, both of us just enjoying each others company. We come to a halt at the door.

"Tomorrow, usual time?"
Severus asks with a smile.
"Of course love."
I say.

He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips.

"I love you."
He whispers before walking towards his chamber door.

"I love you too."
I speak quietly. Watching him close the door behind him. Smiling to myself since I know he heard me.

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