Part Fourteen

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The common room is empty. The fire is nothing but ash and a small piece of log left untouched. Most students have gone away for the weekend as most do to visit family. I tip toe quietly up the stairs to my dorm, trying not to wake the students who are still here.
I close my door quietly behind me since the doors are always unnecessarily loud. I turn the lock, giving myself peace, left un-disturbed for the night. I drop down onto my bed, the tears fall naturally now. My heart still heavy from my fathers attack, and losing Severus.
I pull the small chest out from under my bed. I put in the lock combination and lift open the lid. I take the folded blanket out. Different size glass bottles with different colored tags stand next to each other lined up. I pull out a bottle with clear liquid inside, the label says Smirnoff vodka. An old friend of mine.
After an hour I hear a tap at my window, causing me to jump.
I look over and find Barty on his broom. I open my window, letting him in.

"What are you doing here?"
I ask.

"I wanted to check on you after everything earlier."
He says as he rests his broom against the wall.

"What do you think?"
I say, holding up the bottle of alcohol to show him.

"Well at least you're here and not out somewhere."
He sits down in my desk chair.

"Yea, that's true. Want one?"
I hold up another bottle as an offering.

"Sure. Thanks."
His finger tips graze my hand as I pass him the bottle. I see out of the corner of my eye, him blushing.

"Your dad is doing so much better. I told him I'm coming to visit you and then heading back."
He says and he plays with the bottle cap.

"I'm glad. I was really worried he wouldn't make it."
I take a sip of my drink.

"We make a good team. We always have."
He smiles. I manage to force one.

A few hours go by while Barty and I talk. Around 3:30am he says his goodbyes and heads back over to my fathers, a place he'll call home for a while. I decide to go downstairs to the common room to grab ice from the machine. Someone relit the fire so I don't have to worry about using a spell.
I scoop a 1/2 cup of ice into my small container. When I spin around to head back up, I collide into someone.
I gasp when I see who it is.

"Sev...Sorry Professor."
I drop the scooper onto the counter before fleeing to my room, leaving him where I found him.

The rest of the night goes by in a blur, and I wake up around 9, not remembering when I finally fell asleep. I decide to get up and get ready for the day, not having a single idea of what I'm going to do. Besides seeing my father. Once I finish my makeup, I walk over to my dresser, and that's when I notice a letter under my door.
I open it.

I'm feeling so much better after a nights rest. Barty and I are heading out for today. We will make plans for a visit the following Sunday.

There go my only plans for the day. Time to find Draco. I chose a pair of black low rise jeans with a black long sleeve, and black sneakers. I walk downstairs to the common room. I find Blaise and Draco already dressed.

"Lilith. Want to come with us to Hogsmeade?"
Asks Blaise.

"Yes, let's go."
I join the boys on the couch.

"I forgot something in our dorm. I'll be right back. Don't run off anywhere you two."
Blaise says and he runs up to their room.

"I heard what happened. How are you feeling?"
Asks Draco.

"I'm okay. Fathers doing much better."
I say, looking off into the distance, not able to focus.

"Are you seeing Severus today?"
He asks.

I say a little too sharply.

"Is everything okay?"

"He broke up with me yesterday."
I shut my mouth as quickly as I open it. I notice Severus talking to the Slytherin prefect. Draco noticed me staring and grabs my arm.

"Let's go."
He's about to pull me away when Blaise runs down and joins us.

"What's your rush?"
Blaise asks.

Draco leans closer to explain to Blaise what happened.

"He did not?!"
Blaise sends an angry yet protective stare in Severus' direction. He grabs my other arm and the boys both drag me from the common room.

Instead of flying, we take a fun carriage ride over to Hogsmeade. Draco and Blaise do a really good job in keeping my spirits up the whole way there.

"Let's throw a party tonight. The war is over and I'm sure that news will be spread all over the school by tonight."
Says Draco.

"I'm in."
Says Blaise.

"Sounds like fun."
I say.

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