Chapter Twenty Three

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I spent the night at Severus'. Around noon we got dressed and headed over to my fathers so he can explain in depth about the potion.

"I know I've asked this many times already but, are you sure you want to do this?"
I ask Severus as we enter my fathers Manor.

"More than I've wanted anything in the world. I want to be with you forever."
My heart does cartwheels inside my chest.

I knock on my fathers office door.

"Come on in kiddo."
Says my father from inside. He sounds very cheerful today.

I push open the large door. My jaw drops as I see the new look that my father created for himself. He looks like his younger Hogwarts self, just a bit more matured. Brown curly hair, his eyes a mix of pale blue and light green, and stubble growing along his cheeks and jaw bone.

I question.

"This is what I've been working on for the past week with Barty."
My father points to the loveseat off to the side, where a sleeping Barty lies.

"I know it must be a shock since the last time I looked like this was when you were very young."

"It's good to have you back father."
We both smile.

"What can I help you two with?"
My father asks.

"Severus wants to become like us. Age frozen in time."

"How come Severus?"
My father raises an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I want to be with Lilith. For the rest of time. To protect and love her."
Severus' hand brushes my lower back lightly as he begins to play with the very ends of my hair.

The smile across my fathers face widens.

"My daughter. You have finally found your mate. Your one true lifelong partner."
My father speaks with pride, I've been alone for a long time. Never to have been in a relationship.

Draco and I had a very very short fling a few years back, which consisted of us loosing our virginities to each other. It brought us closer as friends but we know we'd never become something more.

Severus pulls a seat up to the opposite side on my fathers desk, and I take a defensive stance behind him. It's a habit that I do with the boys and Luna. My father and Severus get into a deep conversation about the pros and cons about the choice he is making. It's nothing that I haven't gone over with him myself. My eyes fall to the backyard where I find Bellatrix. She's working in the garden. My father must of noticed my distraction.

"She's been here for a few days dear. Why don't you join her."
I nod before leaving. I know when my father likes his privacy.

I turn the knob on the glass door that leads outside. The cool air flushes my face of all its warmth. The snow has finally melted so I can walk through the grass over to where Bellatrix is working. When she hears my steps, she pushes herself up and brushes the dirt from her hands.

"Lilith! How are you?"
Her arms wrap around me and I do the same. She's been a motherly figure to me ever since I first met the Malfoy's.

"Good. Do you want any help?"

"Oh yes, that would be wonderful. I have something I want to talk to you about while we're alone."
Bella seems almost giddy in the way she talks. The last time she was out here working was when I graduated from Beauxbatons.

We drop onto our knees and begin digging a whole to place the next flower in. Her voice is soft and excited.

"Your father asked me to dinner tonight. At a private venue of his."
She says as she pats down the dirt.

I've known for a very long time Bellatrix's feelings towards my father peaked much more than 'colleague'.
Deep down I've always wanted to see them this way. I know he misses my mother, I miss her too but sometimes I know he wishes for someone in that way.

"That's wonderful."
I say while flashing my teeth in a wide smile.

About forty five minutes pass by when we're joined by the three boys. Barty looks well rested but he still has bags under his eyes, my father looks happier than I've seen him in years, and Severus seems euphoric. 

Severus walks over to me, one hand on my waist while the other rests under my chin. He tilts my face up towards him and kisses me. I smell the potion on him and my heart leaps with joy.

Severus says in between another kiss.

I say in between another.

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