Chapter Thirty Two

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                                    Part One

"Today went by faster than usual, don't you think?"
Asks Draco as we walk back to the common room at the end of the day.
"I noticed that too."
Says Blaise.
"Maybe it's because of all the tests and quizzes we had. Our mind was elsewhere that we didn't notice the clocks as much."
I reply.
"I'm just glad tomorrow is Friday and we can try that new drink at the Three Broomsticks everyone's been talking about."
Draco says in reply.
"It's some kind of pumpkin spice thing right?"
Asks Blaise as he scratches his head.
"That's what I've heard."
Draco answers.
"I'll join you two in a bit. Now that the classes have cleared out, I'm seeing Severus."
I say. Everyday I sneak off after the days lessons to get some alone time with him. Everyone thinks I'm there for detention or tutoring. Only the four of us know the truth.
"Will you at least join us in the Great Hall tonight? This goes for both of you."
Blaise says as he points at us.
"I wouldn't see why not. It's a change at least."
Draco answers, reading my mind.
After saying my catch up's with the boys I head back towards the potions classroom.
I knock.
I knock again.
I hear Severus say from the other end of his room. He sounds the same as always. Numb.
I push the door open and step inside, closing it quietly behind me.
"Hi lo-."
I try to say before instantly getting cut off.
"What are you doing here?"
Severus says without looking up.
"Visiting you, just like we do everyday?"
I say, confused. He's depressed yes, but he's never questioned me like this about my arrivals.
"Well, leave."
He says, voice stern.
This is new, and concerning.
He says again.
"Is everything okay?"
My body locks in place, not wanting to move.
"Yes. Now go."
I watch as he scribbles something down on a bit of parchment, refusing to look up.
"I'll leave after you answer me this. We're both adults, if I did something to upset you, let's talk about it. You're not going to hurt my feelings."
I say, trying to sound optimistic.
"Can't you see that I don't want you here?"
He finally looks up. There's a glimmer in his eyes that's new and something I've never seen before.
Hatred and rage.
"Severus I-."
I'm cut off again.
"For Merlin's sake Ms. Riddle! Get out!"
He snaps in my direction.
Calling me by my last name is something he does only when I'm in class. He hasn't called me this alone in months.
The sound of his chair scrapping the tile floor snaps me back to reality.
"Ms. Riddle! Get out! I don't want you here! Do I have to physically escort you from my classroom?! Or are you understanding what get out means and just being ignorant and stupid!?"
He stands there, intimidatingly.
I can't figure out anything to say even to apologize for whatever I've done that I just scurry from the room, colliding right into Professor McGonagall.
"Oh Professor. My apologies."
I say.
"It's quite alright Lilith. Is Severus in his classroom still?"
She asks with a smile.
"Yes but I don't think he wants any visitors."
My eyes want to look away but that would be rude especially with a Professor Im very open with.
"Why do you say that? Did something happen?"
Her voice went from friendly to sullen and concerned.
"I went to visit him as I always do but he yelled at me. When I say yelled, I mean he truly freaked out. We've had our disagreements but he's never spoken to me with such rage before."
Her hands rests gently upon my shoulder.
"Im sure there's some kind of explanation for Sev's behavior. I'll talk to him and I'll come to the common room to let you know what I find out."
She gives me a comforting smile before continuing to the potions room.
Im glad that Severus told Minerva about our relationship. She's so supportive of us and happy that Severus has someone to love him after so long.
"That was quick?"
Says Blaise as I walk into the empty common room.
"Lil? What's going on?"
Says Draco as he pushes himself up from his chair, seeing the confusion on my face.
"Somethings wrong with Sev. I don't know what I've done wrong but he yelled at me. Telling me to get out and that he doesn't want me there. He's never been filled with hatred before. That's the look I received from him....hate."
I reply. Lowering myself into a creaky chair opposite to the boys.
"There has to be some kind of reasoning behind this. Are you not upset? I'd be in tears if my love raised their voice like that when I haven't done anything."
Speaks Draco from the seat across from me.
When you truly get to know the Malfoy men, especially Draco, they are very sensitive and in tune with their emotions. They aren't afraid to cry or show any other emotion in front of their trusted people.
"I'm more shocked and confused than anything at the moment. I keep going over everything that happened today and there is nothing to cause him to react like this."
I answer.
A few moments later as the three of us work through the events of today, Professor McGonagall joins us.
"Ms. Riddle?"
She says and she motions for me to join her by the door.
"What did he say?"
I ask once I've approached her.
"That apparently you're done."
My eyes go wide.
At the sound of my surprise, Blaise and Draco are now glued to my sides.
"Professor. What do you mean by done?"
Asks Draco.
"That they've 'broken up'. He kept repeating that he doesn't want to see you outside of your assigned class."
She says.
"Do you have any idea as to why? We haven't fought."
I ask her sincerely.
"My conclusion isn't a hundred percent but I feel as if there's dark magic floating around. Whether it was someone who did this to him or if he did it to himself."
Says Minerva.
"As if someone hexed him?"
Questions Blaise.
"Possibly. Like I said, some wizards and witches are known to hex themselves. The reason behind it though, is always unknown. They regress so deep into the hex that they forget their true selves."
I can feel the boys tensing up next to me.
"Albus and I are going to investigate this but the time being you should keep a distance. Just in case Lilith."
She says with a very sincere tone.
"I'm so sorry."
She pats me on the shoulder before leaving.
For the next few hours we finish our homework assignments before thinking of possible hexes and why someone would of done this.
"Was there anything different about him today? Possibly like a new jewelry item? Remember what happened to Katie Bell last year?"
Says Blaise.
"You mean when a death eater used polyjuice potion to become a student here?"
Draco asks.
"Yes. When she was delivering the cursed item to Albus, she touched the necklace and became hexed herself."
Continues Blaise.
"I remember that. Clear as day. When I asked my father, he had no clue."
I replied.
"Think hard Lil."
They both say.
I flip through my memories and events from today, trying to focus on Sev.
My eyes flash open.
"Yes. He has a new bracelet on. I didn't gift it to him. Ive never seen him wear bracelets before so I assumed it was a gift from someone else or he got it for himself."
I say.
"That must be it then. We need to inform Minerva."
Says Draco.
We all stand up, running, practically tripping over one another as we make our way to the door.

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