Chapter Fifteen

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Draco was right, the word about the war coming to an end spread around School like a wild fire. Students and adults cheering inside the Three Broomsticks, free drinks on the house. Draco, Blaise, and I have a drink before heading back to Hogwarts.  We all share a small buzz but nothing that's noticeable to others.
The school is much more active then it normally is on a Sunday. The three of us push our way through the crowd as we head back to the common room. Pansy must of had a similar idea about a party as we find her putting up posters around the campus.

"It's wonderful isn't it."
She asks as she places a piece of tape on the corner of parchment.

"If it weren't for Lilith, the war would still be happening Pansy. Everyone's thanks should go to her."
Says Blaise.

"Oh please. I don't need it."
I hold my hand up as I see Pansy about to speak.

"I'll see you guys tonight then."
She smiles and walks away.

I head back up to my room to pick out what to wear for tonight. After I lay them out I decide to take a much needed nap.

I wake up at 8:00. I have an hour to get dressed before the party starts. I shower, fix my hair and put on my makeup before getting dressed. By the time I finish, I can hear the music playing downstairs and the arrival of other students.

"There you are Lilith. We were worried you were going to sleep through it."
Says Draco.

"I wouldn't miss this for anything."
I say smiling. I knock Draco in the arm playfully.

A few hours pass by and the party is perfect. Everyone is having fun, the music choices are keeping everyone up and dancing. I join Draco and Blaise by the drinks to take a breather.

"Is this helping Lil?"
Asks Blaise.

My mind hazy from drinking. My eyes heavy from the smoking. I haven't had time to think about Severus.

I say as I take a sip of my gin.

Blaise wraps him arm around me, holding me tightly.

"You have us and Luna."
Says Blaise.

"Thanks guys."
I finish the rest of my drink in two chugs.

As I fill my glass, Draco and Blaise join the rest of the party. I let out a few short laughs as I watch them dance. Luna is holding Blaise's hand, and I haven't seen him this happy. My eyes scan the common room, looking for any friendly face that isn't attached to another students lips. I almost drop my cup when I find Severus here, in the corner across the room. Most of the time our Professor's leave the parties alone, trusting us enough not to get intoxicated or break things. Severus holds a glass as well, slowing sipping it as he watches the fun happen around him.
I refuse to let his presence ruin my night. I chug back my drink quickly, making it hit harder and faster. I slam my cup down onto the table and join my friends on the floor to dance. Draco grabs onto my hand and we begin to dance. All the songs on the playlist are for clubs, there's no slow dancing or anything that would make anyone act out too badly. Flashes from Luna's camera are going off all around the room. Pansy is on the other end snapping pictures of everything.

"Group picture!"
She yells over the loud music.

Luna stands next to me, with Blaise behind her with his arms wrapped around her small stature. Draco stands behind me with his hand on my shoulder. Pansy becomes a professional photographer and has us pose in many different ways, adding other students as well. She places the camera on the table with the timer. All the students crowd around behind us to fit into the frame.

"Professor! Join us for one picture!"
Says a male student from the back. The voice sounding familiar but not recognizable at the moment.

Everyone poses the way the want, ready for the timer to go off. Once it does, everyone goes back to dance for a few more songs before calling it a night. After the final hour, most students have left and went back to their dorm for bed or are helping us clean up. I hold a garbage bag, collecting the trash that was left on the floor and tables.
Once the common room is clean, we all say Goodnight.

"I'll give everyone their copies in the morning."
Says Luna.

"Thanks Luna. You can put them in envelopes and slip them under our doors. You wake up before all of us anyway."
I say smiling.

"Sounds good."
She plants a quick kiss on Blaise's cheek before leaving with the camera.

"Goodnight Draco. Lilith."
Says Blaise as he's already heading up the stairs.

I say.

"I'll be up in five."
Draco yells.

"I'm always here for you Lilith. Please remember that."
Draco wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. My hands rest on his hips and my head on his chest. He's been my best friend since a very very young age. Draco may come across mean to a lot of people but this is a side that only a select few have witnessed and I'm glad I'm one of them.

"I'll walk you up."
He says as we walk, his hand now resting on my lower back.

"Thanks Draco. For everything. I don't say it much but you're my dearest friend and I'm grateful to have you."
I say as we arrive at my dorm.

"Always Lilith."
He wraps his arms around me again before heading to his room for bed.

The fatigue from all the alcohol and other substances in my body hit hard once I lay in bed. I kick my shoes off and pass out.

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