Chapter Twenty Nine

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I spent the entire weekend at Severus' house. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. Severus being respectful, nothing coming off, just touching on top of the clothes for now.
On Sunday evening we both came back to Hogwarts, to get ready for the school week ahead. I did my homework assignments after I settled back into my dorm. I also sent a reply to my fathers letter, in which he was stating how much he misses me and would like to have Severus and I over this weekend for a family dinner with Bellatrix and Barty. Monday and Tuesday went by with small quizzes and more homework piled on top of what everyone already had.
Wednesday afternoon, Draco, Luna, and I settled in the courtyard for our free period. Another handful of students were also outside, enjoying the nice weather. We sat here, just like any other day waiting for Blaise and Astoria to come from class. Some of our Professor's were also out here enjoying the cool breeze and sunny sky. Albus, Minerva, and Severus were talking to a few Ravenclaw students under the large oak tree.
Draco had me and Luna almost on the floor with laughter. Telling us the events of how Fred and George managed to strike up another detention over the weekend while we were both away.
After settling myself down from my laughing fit, I started to feel an overwhelming sense of dread. My heart started to race and my palms were sweaty.

I wiped my hands on my robe when there was a loud crash. I looked up to the History of Magic class window, which was now gone. Pieces of glass were sticking up from the frame while the rest was falling down into the courtyard below it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see everyone flinch.
No more than a second later an explosion followed. I watched as fire blew through the broken window, the heat coming down in waves. We all looked in the direction from where it came from and It happened to be the classroom Blaise and Astoria were in that very moment.
There was a brief pause of pure silence before people started to panic. My ears were ringing and I looked over at my friends. Luna's eyes full of fear and Draco holding back his tears. I turn my head to the right to see the Professor's running inside.
Luna wraps her hand around my right arm and Draco grabs a hold of my left hand. They hold on tight and we apparate the the hallway where the explosion happened.

Smoke fills the hall, causing difficulty for breathing. The three of us join the Professor's in spraying the now smaller flames with water. Draco kept glancing over his shoulder until he froze.

"Draco stay focused!"
I yell over the loud noises of rushing water.

His voice trails off and he points his arm in the direction in which he's looking.

Keeping my wand raised, I turn my head to the right, just far enough to see over my shoulder. My heart drops into my stomach when I see the pair standing in the hall.

"Help Luna! She can't do this alone!"
I yell to Draco while I turn my back to face them.

"Father...Bellatrix...Di-did you do this?..."
I ask in a nervous voice. I had become accustomed to seeing my father young like when I was a child, that seeing him as the Dark Lord startled me.

"Hello my dear daughter."
He says, his tone dark and cruel.

I don't say another word. There's nothing in his eyes except for hatred. The power has taken over.

"You see my dear child, the last few months were nothing but a ruse. A ruse to get everyone's guard down so we could plan our attack."

"That can't be..."
Is all I'm able to say.

"And now, I'm sorry I have to do this but we need you. You're a strong and very powerful witch. You already have the mark. Come with us."
He stretches out his arm, holding his hand out for me to grab. My chest tightens at the fact that everyone besides Draco and Severus have heard the confirmation that I have had the Dark Mark and that I've have been helping my father all these years.

"No! I know this isn't you! Turn back while you still can father please!"
Tears are building in my eyes, causing them to burn.

"Then you leave me no choice..."
I watch in horror as he holds his wand and points it at Severus.

"You will not touch him!"
I jump in front of Severus who's back is still turned, helping Dumbledore contain the smoke and getting the students out through the back entrance.

"Please don't do this father...Bella..."

A single spark emits from their wands, Draco, now joining me deflects them. Flashes of light travel back and forth through the hall, bouncing from our wands.

"If you will not join us, you will die."
My father speaks in a monotone voice, his mind consumed by the power he now has control over again.

"Avada keda-"

A light comes from my wand, hitting my father. His body collapses with a thud onto the floor. Bellatrix's body following right after.

A gut wrenching scream escapes from my lungs, filling the ears of everyone around me. Draco wraps his arms around me, holding me up from collapsing. Professor Dumbledore directs the rest of the students around us to leave. Astoria and Blaise fall back to console their friends and loved ones.

Once all the students have been cleared out, Severus switches places with Draco and holds me tight while I cry and scream into his chest. Astoria holds Draco, allowing his tears to soak her robes. Luna and Blaise stay to comfort us, rubbing our backs to help soothe the pain.

"I'm so sorry darling...You're safe. Draco and Blaise, and Luna are all safe."
His hand holds the back of my head close to his heart, hearing the steady beats, relaxes me.

Time moves slowly and the room falls silent as I zone everything out. What feels like hours, is only a mere three minutes.

Severus gently pushes my body forward and turns me around so I'm now facing the bodies on the floor.

The bodies begin to twitch, jerking around as if their having a seizure. Draco, along with everyone else is also watching. My sadness goes away but gets replaced by anger as the true form of the people become clear.

Alecto and Amycus Carrow.

The faithful death eater twins now lay in front of us.
I turn my head to Draco, who's face holds the very same expression as mine.

Resentment and rage.

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