what's your name?

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                 Uh, I'm just tryna jump your bones
           We don't gotta jump the broom, you know
                         Might be across the room


                      This is 12.8k words so enjoy :)

10:52 AM

"Maia, darling, could you unpack my bag. I need to get the room ready for the guys." My future husbands' voice calls out from the living room of his hotel room. I want to roll my eyes but refrain from doing so. He knows I also have to get ready for my day with my girls. I'm on a tight schedule because I have to be upstairs in about 10 minutes.

Our small wedding party has all arrived in Vegas for our ceremony, and are all currently stored away in their rooms waiting on us. Traditionally, the bride and groom are meant to be in separate rooms, but we couldn't afford the cost of that Brian insisted that he has the room we are both currently in and that it would be for the best if I slept in the room with my maid of honor. I didn't want to argue because it is either Brian's way or no way.

Finishing up my make up I just choose to ignore his request for me to unload his luggage because I'm on a time crunch myself. My beautiful maid of honor Ivy has made reservations for the bridal party to get brunch. She states she has a day of fun adventures planned for us. I tried to get it out of her on multiple occasions but she simply refused to tell me. I set my face with setting spray and go to fan my face so that it could dry a bit before I hear quick movements coming towards the bathroom.

The door swings back with a loud thud against the wall while I flinch at the noise not expecting it. Brian is standing in the doorway with an annoyed look on his face as I turn away from him and start to pack up my makeup. "I thought I said to unload my bag, I'm sure you must have heard me." I don't give him the chance to get a reaction out of me because I don't direct my attention to him at all. " I didn't hear you, I'm sorry."

He lets out a loud sigh while he brings his hands up to run them over his face, "you're always fucking sorry." He walks out of my sight and I finish packing my makeup and go to follow him since my clothes are laying out on the bed. "Brian, I can do it just let me put on my clothes. I will be quick I promise." I throw on a long turtle neck shirt to cover my chest and simple jeans that are not tight on my legs.

Brian doesn't like when I wear revealing clothes or anything that shows off my figure. I remember the night we got engaged he told me I would have to change my wardrobe because he would not 'have his wife dressing like a whore.' That night we got engaged stays in my mind forever because everything changed, it's like he switched bodies with someone.

When I first met Brian he swept me off my feet, I wouldn't go a day without receiving endless kisses and small gifts showing his devotion to me. He would take me out on dates and evening walks just to talk about our day. I could have never predicted the Brian that stood before me today.

This version of him is mean to no extent. After our engagement, he slowly started wanting me to make changes that he never expressed his concern for before. He wanted me to keep my hair straightened and never show my natural curls, he wanted me to change how I dress, and lastly how I act. I went from being vibrant and bold, to the must dull version of myself. Most noticed the change in me, hell, I even noticed but I don't know if I will ever get back to that version of myself.

After slipping off my shoes I check my phone for the time and I'm late. Dammit. I'm a terrible friend. Ivy told me to be on time because she doesn't want me to miss something she has set up for later. I unload Brians' suitcase, storing his clothes in the dresser and not hanging them up like I usually would. Spotting my duffle bag I go to pick it up to bring it upstairs. Ivy said to me that if Brian wants to act like a cheap fuck she was going to make sure to book the best room for us to share.

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