promise me...

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This chapter mentions a gun. There is no use of it, but it is written in here. I know this is a sensitive topic. If you would like a synopsis of the chapter please tell me and I will provide that for you.
Thank you for reading.


Minutes are racing
Whatever I've done
I did it for love


"Just stand right there. Don't move that's perfect."

Harry and I have been in the same spot for the past thirty minutes. He brought up this grand idea, that it would be fun to start documenting the pregnancy in stages. According to him the time was going to pass us before we knew it. He wanted me against the wall in the exact pose he put me in. There has been an ongoing debate that has yet to be resolved. Harry thinks he sees a bump developing while I don't. He has tried to prove his point by getting me to look in the mirror several times until I would see it. After he ended up not getting me to change my mind. He said I would notice more If I took pictures along the way.

"Now how is this pose any different than the one before?" I questioned him with my eyebrow shooting up. This is the third picture we have taken. What I will give him is that my lower belly was more firm. Harry already knew that because he would constantly put his hand there.

"You'll see just stay there." Harry was talking from behind his film camera. "Please hurry, pasta is calling my name." I was growing impatient because we both had not eaten yet. I stayed with my jeans open at the bottom showing off my belly. In my hand, was a single grain of rice. This was another one of Harry's ideas to represent the size of the baby. Harry focused for a moment snapping the picture. He finally got the shot he wanted, and I went to zip up my pants while he put his camera away.

"You've been taking pictures a lot more. How long have you had the camera for?" I asked because I loved to see him with it. Recently, he has been taking more pictures. I would catch him talking to me when he didn't think I was looking or if we left the house he would take some. Seeing how much fun that he would have with it made me happy for him. I watched him as he wrote 9 weeks down on a piece of paper. He said that he didn't want to get the film developed until after I gave birth.

"For a few years. Never wanted to use it until recently."

"Why is that?"

"I found my muse."

Harry looked at me with a shy smile and finished packing his bag. I watched his arms flex as he was placing his camera away nicely. His shirt was gripping tightly through his muscles in an amazing way. I already knew what direction I was heading in. Which has been a recent symptom of this pregnancy. I wanted him at the strangest parts of the day. We were both quite literally ready to leave the house, and I wanted him.

"Can you hand me a sharpie, pretty?" Harry's words went in one ear and out of the other. I was near the door staring him down. and it went unnoticed until Harry didn't hear any movement. "Can I have the sharpie?" Harry let out a confused laugh darting his eyes between me and signaled the picture in front of him. I hummed at him and then remembered what he said and opened the drawer next to me. Pulling it open, I grabbed the marker for him and headed over to hand it to him.

"Here you go," Harry thanked me as I watched him put the cap between his teeth to open it. My eyes stayed focused on his lips. Harry noticed me and I looked away from him. He finished up as I waited for him and began to walk towards me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"You can't fool me, turn around you horndog." Harry made a motion for me to head to the door as my mouth dropped. Horn dog was harsh, but my desires were valid.

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