room 224...

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I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met


I am in no way a medical professional. I've been learning the best that I could through youtube and websites. Thank you all for being patient with me. I love you.


"You nervous?" I looked over at Harry as we were walking on the sidewalk.

"No, but when you ask me that it makes me feel that I should be." Laughing at his reply, I squeezed his hand that I was already holding reassuringly.

"Just be yourself. She will love you."

Today was the day Ivy finally came into town, she had a layover, so it was a quick trip for her. We had insisted on picking her up from the airport but she said she refused to be an inconvenience. Instead, she wanted to meet us for brunch which I was happy to oblige to. Even if I didn't feel like walking to do it. Us walking right now was already taking all of my energy.

Getting in exercise when you have a baby in your stomach that has finally dropped...and is causing you an immense amount of back pain is something that is on the last of my list. Don't even mention the occasional Braxton Hicks that come and go. One thing that I could appreciate was the weather. It made all the walking worth it. At this moment, the fall weather is officially in. Our feet crunched the leaves as we walked together; The air was filled with a distinct cinnamon scent coming from the bakery on the corner of the street.

Today was an amazing day already. Ivy had told me she was already there, and I felt a bundle of nerves in my stomach. It was foolish to have them, I knew this. Not seeing someone for so long even a best friend, you will still have those jitterbug kind of feelings. I had asked Harry if he was nervous because I was only projecting my feelings onto him. All that I could hope for is that everything would go smoothly.


Getting out of my head, I turned my head to face Harry who was looking straight forward. "How did you even know?" He shrugged his shoulders at me. When we approached the door of the restaurant as he went to open it.

"I just do."

Thanking him, I stepped through the threshold of the establishment talking in all of the colors. It was a beautiful restaurant that sat right near the water. As we talked to the hostess, she guided us to where Ivy was waiting on the patio, it was a bit windy outside but I didn't mind because the view was amazing. As we walked outside, I spotted her immediately and her eyes lit up as she stood up from the table. When I was in arms reach, she pulled me as much as she could in her hold. "I've missed you so much," she said lowly. My arms just squeezed her. My belly prevented her from squeezing me as she normally would, so when my stomach touched her midsection. "Look at..." she looked between Harry and me not knowing what gender to say.

"We have no clue."

"You have no clue? I'm shocked that you even allowed that to happen. Usually, you want to know everything," she teased and Harry laughed knowing that it was true.

"Well this one time, I don't." Stepping to the side, I introduced them. "Ivy this is Harry. Harry this is Ivy." Harry leaned in to give her a hug. It made me insanely happy to see the two people who have shaped and formed my life meeting...properly this time. Once they separated, we all settled into our seats. The conversation began to flow as Ivy told us about her adventures of going to school in another country. Harry joined in at times and they both began to talk about Italy since they both got the opportunity to go there. Harry was much younger for his stay, and only vacationed for a few weeks. I loved to hear about his childhood any chance that I got.

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