say yes?

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There is only one for me
You have made that a possibility
We could take that step to see

wattpad is being weird and won't let me post a picture to this chapter. this will be edited more...i was too excited. enjoy!


There weren't many times in my life when I considered myself a major fuck up. There was that one time when I stole from a store and ended up getting held in the back and banned. Then there was also that time as a dumb teenager, I snuck out of the house and got so drunk that I snuck back in the wrong one. Those moments are minuscule compared to what I just did.

If I could reach out of my own body and punch myself I would. That wasn't fair to even say to her. It wasn't her fault that I had to go out there looking for her. It's not her fault I didn't say anything. It's not her fault that I was such a coward. I saw my love get married to another man right in front of me.

"What do you mean, Harry?" The look on her face was pure confusion that I caused. I didn't intend on saying that and really didn't want to relive that moment for myself either. Subconsciously I knew that if we were to talk it would have slipped out one way or another.

"Harry, please tell me." I kept silent and the look of desperation on her face had me wanting to spill everything to her. I knew that this wasn't the best moment to say this when I had apologies in order.

"Just tell me what you saw," she wasn't going to let it up easily and I should have guessed that she wouldn't. Her personality is strong no matter how at times she could seem so weak; that wasn't her at all. At least not with me. I appreciated that she picked at my brain, she challenges me, and she is interested in the things I have to say. All the little things are what I picked up about her.

Everything in me wanted to state how I didn't want to talk about it. How it's forgotten about. It wasn't forgotten about. This has been something that was festering inside of me for months. I beat myself up over it; I self-destructed over this. I felt like this was bound to come out anyway. It was right in the front of my mind or I wouldn't have shouted it out. When I finally stop pretending that I'm okay I can be real with myself.

I was mentally preparing myself to tell her about that day; my silence lingered on for a little too long and Maia was quick to jump in and push for more answers. "Don't try to shut me out now; we need to have a long-awaited talk. Let's lay everything out. I thought you wanted to ignore it, so I did. Now you're throwing stuff at me I didn't even know about. You're trying to shut off but that won't work. Just talk to me. It's me."

Bringing my hands to my face I let out a long breath in them before staring. This was my story and it was a small piece to that day she didn't know. Once she knew I was frightened about how that would change things or if it would change things. Before deciding to not cower again I begin to spill everything for that day to her.

"Maia, I was there. I was fucking there and witnessed it all. The last time you had seen my face was in that hallway, but it wasn't the last time I saw you." Maia had all of her attention on me and at that moment I felt so small and vulnerable. I've managed to keep this information to myself for a year. It haunted me in a strange way. Her face always stayed in the back of my mind even if I didn't want it to. Now she is back in front of me and I'm spilling my guts to her. Putting my heart back in her hands again for possible destruction. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms in front of my slowly pinching my arm for comfort.

"Getting on that elevator and leaving left me with regret that was just fucking unimaginable. I wanted more than anything to go back to you and apologize and kiss you. Everything that came out of my mouth at that moment wasn't how I felt. Anger blinded me. I would have done anything to get you to come with me. Parts of me wish I tried more. I would have gotten on my fucking knees and all. As you know, I didn't and I have to live with that. I got in my car and peeled off. It was enough that I couldn't have you. I didn't want to stick around and catch a glimpse of you with him." I keep my tone calm. I'm trying to explain the best I can without becoming emotional. She doesn't say anything to me so I continue to talk to her.

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