do it for you...

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Pretty lady, you have me so weak
Little lady, you have me so weak


Looking down at a polaroid Harry took of my bump today, I smile in delight. We had been at the lake for a few hours enjoying the day together. Harry stayed by my side for a while until he told me that the water was calling his name. I stayed behind, watching him through my sunglasses as I eat the food we had packed together. Most were things I was craving.

Often Harry laughed at the stereotypical ones that included me wanting pickles. And other days I would think of my own unique craving that would cause Harry to look at me in disgust. I would eat bell peppers with peanut butter, or combine sweet with salty things. Instead of wanting to snack more, I wanted to find more to do. For now, I just needed to find things to do.

Placing the picture aside, I picked up my book that I had barely paid attention to. Being pregnant caused me to have changes in my body including my brain. I had the worst concentration nowadays. I would be focused on something and then one moment distracted by something else. Even the book I just picked up had been something I had been trying to read for months. Although at times I loved my pregnancy, it was hard.

Watching your body transform infront of your face not knowing if it would ever be the same was difficult. It was something that over time I had to cope with the idea that if it is never the same I would be fine. Knowing that my body was a home for our child that would be here soon made everything else not matter. Just as I was about to really dive into my book, Harry's voice s travels out from across me.

"The water is warm, come on in. You look so beautiful, make this day even more beautiful. Join me, pretty."

Harry quietly made his way to me, with wet hair and a smirk across his face. I jumped back a bit, not expecting him to be so close. He had been asking me since before we arrived at the lake to come in the water with him. The sun was beaming relentlessly on our faces, so I use my hand up to block the harsh sun. Looking up at Harry he looked beautiful, summer looked good on him. His skin had tanned beautifully over the seasons. I looked at him, truly considering it. His face pouted a bit as if he was begging me to get in.

"I'll get in the water if we can get ice cream after this?" I knew I was playing with fire here. Harry had been on some health kick and he was dragging me along for the journey. He didn't make me feel guilty for eating what I wanted, so in return, I was to be a part of what he was doing. I watch his thoughts bounce around in his head seeing if he would agree to it.

"Fine. You win this round. Up you go." Harry held out his hand for me to take. Lacing my fingers through his. I got up gently, carefully standing as Harry helped out. "You okay? Squish okay?" Smiling at the nickname he gave our baby, I looked up at him shaking my head at him.

Harry was what you would call a helicopter parent. Instead of our child receiving it, I had to right now. He never lingered far either. If I went to lift something heavy he was right behind me to reprimand me. With being seven months pregnant, he's the last person to ease up on me when it comes to his worries.

"We're all good." Placing my hand on my stomach. It was like Harry had forgotten what we were doing and decided to just stare down at me with a smile. "Harry?" My eyes darted to the water reminding him of what we were supposed to be doing.

"Right, sorry," his cheeks reddened out of embarrassment like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. "When I was swimming earlier I found this cave. There were a few people there before. Maybe it's empty now." Harry escorts me from our spot, stepping off the towel where it was nice and cool. The feeling of the hot dirt touching my toes made me wince from the drastic change. Harry looked back with concern covering his face. Already expecting him to come to my rescue, I waved him off wanting him to continue.

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