Shifting Memories (Raven Darkholme, aka Mystique)

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Raven Darkholme, also known as Mystique, was adjusting her sunhat while her luscious red lips were in the form of a smile. She was undercovered once more, wanting to rob a bank before any of what she was doing actually happened. So she took the identity of Sara Bailey, kidnapping the real one and taking her to a safer place so she could infiltrate the bank. But then a fight ocurred in the bank, with Spider-Man and Wolverine joining the fray.

But then everything changed in a matter of seconds, with the diamonds that were hidden in the bank sending the three of them from the bank and transporting them through time. But she could easily recognize that the diamonds were manufactured by Mojo, probably using them for one of his sick plays. She felt insulted that she had been handpicked to be Spider-Man's lover but when she began to truly get to know the man, it made her heart soar through the skies.

But right now, she was happy to have the life she currently had. It was something different and unique. Never in her life had she been so infatuated with someone from the other gender to this extent. It rivaled her current love for Irene, and even surpassed it if she would give it the chance to blossom into something more beautiful.

"Peter..." A voice that was not her own left her mouth. She had gotten accostumed to so many voices that she didn't react to the change. But she could say that she prefered to speak with her normal voice instead of using someone elses voice. She could see just how Peter Parker, the man behind the mask of Spider-Man, was covering his face with his arms. "Peter!"

"Wha..." She giggled a bit, enjoying the breeze on her skin. Her now blonde hair was safely kept by the cloth that was attached to the hat she had on. Various food laid besides her, the picnic left behind in the memory as she watched the man wake up from his slumber.

"Nap time is over, Petey" Her voice sounded seductive, her now green eyes focused on the man that had conquered her heart. It came to a surprise to her to see just how one single event vould change her whole look on a person. And it completely change her perspective on the man who was talking in his sleep. "You were talking in your sleep again. Must've been some dream"

"You sure I'm no still sleeping?" Her smile grew a tad in size, the humor not being missed by her mind. She could clearly see what he wanted to do with his wordings. It was very obvious that he wanted to try and flirt with her even further. Which made her internally chuckle at the attempt.

"You look awake to me" She answered. She would humor him, hear what he really had to say. It had been a nice attempt, she really couldn't fault it. And having heard various lines over the years that she had been alive, it was safe to say that the beginning of the attampt was a nine out of ten. "Why?"

"'Cause this feels like the dream" Raven really had to hand it to Peter, he was a charmer. Her heart throbbed against her chest, looking straight at his hazel eyes. She would often get hypnotized by them, lost in the deep emotions that they projected. It made her feel like she was the one dreaming.

She giggled softly, her body reclined towards his direction as he did the same. Their noses were inches apart from each other, while their head were reclined to one another. She wanted to kiss him really bad, and she took her chance in a matter of seconds. That kiss was very pure, the most pure kiss she gad given to someone apart from Irene. It made her feel even more connected with Peter.

"We better get back on the road though" She commented, though she really didn't want to leave. She was enjoying herself very much. "We don't wanna be late" Lies sprouted from her mouth. She didn't care about it in the slightest. "You know how he gets when we're late" But then she remembered the other mutant that was with them. The Wolverine, who miraculously had not guessed that it was her, was a very angry man when what he wanted to do was not accomplished. "What time is it?" But then she noticed Peter smiling at her for no reason at all. And while she clearly enjoyed staring at it, it left her confused. "What? What are you smiling about?"

"Time... Now there's one thing I've learned not to care about" She could only stare at him, her smile being directed at him. Their faces neared each other once more, wanting to enjoy their touch once more. But it was then that her eyes caught the engraving in the tree. And while it made her internally flinch, she knew that it was necessary to keep her guise.

The engraving was a heart carved into the tree, with their respective initials engraved inside of the heart. What made her flinch was that she had to use the initials as Sara Bailey. It was the woman that Peter knew, because all he really knew her as was the villainess Mystique. He didn't know the hurt woman called Raven Darkholme. But she had made up her mind, telling herself that she would be with him after everything was done. Because she didn't want to feel cold ever again.

Time Skip

Raven Darkholme was massaging her temples. The slight headache making her wince a bit in pain, her eyes trying to adjust to reality. And when they did, she could only gasp in fear. She was not in the bank, but was actually in the same place where she had put the real Sara Bailey. The ropes were left on the ground, but Sara was nowhere in sight.

"No..." Her mind ran a mile a minute, her worst fear turning into reality. She ran out of the place she hid Sara, rushing towards the place the two of them had shared together. Her heart was aching in pain as she ran, her mind not being able to handle if she was not being able to get there on time. "Peter..." Her eyes were already tearing up, waterworks falling down her cheeks as she ran as fast as she could to the tree. That tree meant their union together, and while it was not the greatest object to let everyone know of their unity... it meant everything to her. "I'm coming..."

Time Skip

"Finally... I'm here..." She watched the tree from behind, surrounded by two buildings. The tree was currently withered, the once beautiful tree consumed by time and only leaving the hollow bark. A part of her felt just like the tree, hollow. But she still had a glimmer of hope, she needed to tell him that she was the one that spent time with him. "Peter-!"

But it was then that her heart broke into pieces. The broken figure of Peter Parker, dressed in his Spider-Man costume, laid curled up in front of the bark. She wanted to transformed into Sara Bailey once more, to let him know that it was her. But she didn't, wanting to tell him as who she really was.

"Petey..." She could see him react, the slight flinch and the twitch of his hand was enough to tell her that he had heard her. She moved closer to him, dropping on her knees as tear kept running down her blue cheek. She placed her hand on his cheek, making him look at her. The two of them were in front of each other, staring straight at their eyes. Mystique didn't know what else to do... Until she remembered something that may be able to get him to react. "Time... Now there's one thing I've learned not to care about..."

She waited a couple of seconds, wanting to see if he would react to her words and he surprisingly did so. He took of his mask, showing her his tear stained face as his mouth slowly twitched into a smile. She was smiling at him, the same soft smile she had given him with they were spending time together underneath the now withered tree.

"It was never her... It was-"

"Yes... It was me, Petey" Mystique whispered, giving her love one a soft and gentle kiss. They didn't need the raw passion some people demonstrated in their kisses. They just needed to confirm that everything around them was their reality, that they have been able to find each other once more. Because time was something that both of them wanted to spend on each other, and no one else.

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