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Ross POV:

The concert was over. I quickly ran backstage sitting on the stool like I was there the whole time, smiling inncoently as mommy walked in.

"Hi baby!" She smiled.


"Ross! He ran away?" She asked Wyland but first calling my name.

"Yep.." He said while panting.

Rydel POV:

"Ross! I thought I said that you have to sit here and wait! I'm very disapointed in you!" I yelled at me. He made little noises and began to cry loudly.

"What did you do now, Rydel." Rocky said. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Ross who was having a meltdown on the floor.

"You we're a bit to harsh Rydel. Be a little better next time. Rocky said.

"Yeah. Try not to be so harsh next time.." Ryland said. I went full blown angry and stomped out of the building, towards the car.


Its been a few weeks now. So now we're at a meet and greet with Ross sitting on a chair as well. A girl came up.

"Hi Ross!" She smiled. He giggle and said hi back. He took a pen and drew a smiley face on her R5 album. She smiled.

"Thanks so much Ross!" She said.

"Woo welcome. Bye bye!" He waved. She smiled and waved. I did some of my signatures for others and I happened to see this one.

"Hi Woss!" A little brunette girl waved. He waved back.

"I'm Laura!" She smiled. (WHO SAW THAT COMING?????) 

"HI Laura!" He waved, and signed a smiley face and a letter R. Special.....

"Thanks Woss!" She said.

"Yes thank you Ross." Her supposivley mother said.

"Woo welcome. Bye bye!" He waved at her and she waved back. Little love. Wink wink.

I kept on signing things, and I heard Ross' conversations.

"Hi there!" He smiled.

"Dont say Hi to me." She snapped.

"Otay! Hey there! Better?" He asked. She rolled her eyes. 

"I dont like your attitude to Ross. You can either quit it, or leave." I said.

"Shut up." She snapped at me, and threw her attention at the now scared Ross.

"I know where youlive Ross. I'm gonna sneak into your room, and kill you. And you'll never see day light ever again." She said. I gasped and picked up Ross and put him on my lap. He was crying.

"Is there any problem over here?" The security asked.

"Yes. This girl is threatening Ross." I said while holding him tightly, slowly caressing the back of his head.

"We're gonna have to take you out for threatening a child. Please approach the exit." The secuirty said. She refused.

They picked her up and lead her towards the exit.

"I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS ROSS! I'LL GET ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, and she was gone.

I hope forever.



Thanks for reading my books! I'll be on my way...


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