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Are you guys getting bored of this book? I feel like i'm loosing you guys. xD

Anyways, carry on!


I froze. Death?

"H-He's only little! Its not fair...." I sniffled. He's a boy who was born 2 years ago, and he's already gonna die. His birthday is coming up, he's turning 2.

"We have to find that antidote!" I said.

We got out of the hospital, as Riker drove.

"What was the first thing he ate this week?" Riker asked while driving.

"First.. oh! Jackson's chocolates! Dang it! I should have never trusted him.." I said.

"You do know where he lives right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Lets go. No stopping." Riker said, speeded up to Jackson's house.


"Anybody have a pick?" I said. Rocky took out a red guitar pick from his pocket.

I took it and picked on the lock. It finally opened.

"Okay.. On one, two, three, CHARGE!!!!!!!" I yell, we all run in, in our karate positions. We look to see the house was quiet, and no one was here. We went back to our normal standing.

"Well that was a waste of energy." Rocky said. I sighed.

"Maybe he's hiding the antidote. Everybody, search for a certain needle, or bottle." I said. They all nodded, and we spread all over the house. 

I was in Jackson's room, which there stood only his clean, done bed, cabins, mirrors, brushes, under wears, etc.

I look in his cabin and see his cloths neatly piled up. I search in them, and find nothing. I close the cabins, and look under his bed.


I looked pretty much every where. I even checked the walls for secret entrance. I sighed as my siblings walked in here.

"We found nothing.." They said.

"The antidote isn't here." Ryland sighed.

"If it isn't here, than where else could it be?" Riker asked.

"Maybe he left it in a chocolate factory." Ellington said. We gave him a glare. I shook my head and sighed.

"Maybe it isn't here at all! We're all just assuming!" I sighed, and got up from the floor.

"If it isn't here... than...—- Rydel, what else did Ross eat?" Ellington asked.

"Well.... I remember that girl who was saying bad stuff about Ross at the concert! She gave him this grape candy for apologizing or something." I said.

"We don't know where she lives! This could take forever! Its a matter of time before Ross d-" Riker covers Ellington's mouth before he could say that last word that will break my heart.

"But, I do have a fan list of where they all live! We can search for her on the list!" Ryland said.

"Oh! So thats what we use... Good thinking! Lets go." Riker said, and we ran out of the house, but before that, leaving it the way it was before, so Jackson wont suspect a thing.

~~~Hours later~~~

"FINALLY! I FOUND HER NAME!" Ryland scatters through the pile of papers. We all huddle up.

The paper read:

Shia Partent
Location: West hemi street, 200008, Apt 12

"Thank god!" I sighed, and we hopped into the car once again.

Baby Heart-Ross Lynch fanfiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now