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Rydel POV:

I finished changing Ross' diaper and I dressed him into his yellow onesie, orange long sleeved hollister shirt, black denim jeans, black converse, and thats it. I fixed his hair. We're going to a resturant with the rest of my brothers.

I got dressed into (outfit on the media) a black crop top with big white hearts on it, and a black leather skirt, with high heels white the fat heels. My hair was curled, and I had make up on.

Ross was in the play pen, watching tv. We installed this screen that you can attach to the play pens walls. Its neat.

He was giggling.

"And what are you giggling about?" I said while turning off the TV, and picking him up. He continued to giggle.

"C'mon tell me.." I said. He just continued to giggle.

"Okay then..." I said. He finally stopped giggling and sighed happily. I carried him outside to the car and I buckled him up. I sat in the drivers seat and began to drive.

While I drove, Ross was talking about some dancing pancake. Kids these days....

"An den he went up into duh sky!" He said while put his hand up high to demonstrate. I really dont mind. Hes so cute to listen to.

"Okay Ross, so your saying there was this dancing pancake who flew up into the sky?" I clarified. He nodded.

"So continue." I said.

"And den he fell down, and he landed on his feet and den he danced, but he got shocked by lightning." He said.

"Whoa! Thats pretty sad!" I said. He nodded. We finally got there and I un-buckled him.  I carried him out of the car and walked into the resturant, and find my brothers sitting at a table. I walked over to them and sat down with them, with Ross next to me.

"Hey guys!" I waved.

"Sup..." They said.

"H-Hi....I'lll be your waitress.." The girl stuttered. Her face was covered with her black hair. She  looked familiar, but I just don't recall..

We ordered for ourselves.

"Ross will just get grape juice and pancakes." I said. She nodded.

"I-i'll be right o-on it.." She stuttered, and walked away. I shrugged and looked back at Ross, who was finishing the story about the pancake and what not.

"Den he have lightning power, and ate da world!" He said, while demostrating with his hands. 

"Is the story ending?" Riker asked.

"uh uh." He shook his head.

"The world was made again by a big troll, who ate the pancake!" He said.

"And den........" The boys we're at the edge of their seat.

"I dont know  wa happen next." He said.

"WHAT!?" Rocky shouted. The store stared at him.

"Okay. H-Heres everything. Have a nice day." The watress put down the food, and walked away.

We ate, and Ross sipped his grape juice.

"I done!" He said. We all got up from the seats, and went outside. We drove back home.


I finished changing Ross' diaper and I took off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his onesie. 

"Say good night to everyone Ross." I said.

"Good night!" He waved.

"Byeee.." They waved, and left. I started to feed Ross his bottle.


I look to see hes fast asleep. I kissed his cheek and brang him upstairs, and put him in bed. I kissed his forehead and turned off the light, and left the room, leaving the door opened just a crack.


Baby Heart-Ross Lynch fanfiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now