#14 Final chapter

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Thanks for reading my books everyone! You are the best!!! Stay RATLIFFCAL! Get it? Radical, Ratliffcal?
eh whatever.. Just thank you so much! HAVE FUN WITH YOUR LIVES! BYE!


Rydel POV

"What color is this?" I pointed at green.

"Owange!" Ross said.

"No... thats not orange." I giggled.

"Bwue!" He said.

"Nope.." I said.

"Woss, I tink its gween." Laura said.

"Correct!" I said. Ross groaned.

"Aw man." He said.

I laughed.


After I changed Ross and Laura's diapers, I sat down at the couch, while the two play on the nabi. I went on my phone, and took a picture of them, posting it on Instagram while smiling.

I am so getting these two love birds together when they're older.



"Ross, c'mon... eat. Laura ate!" I said.

"Uh uh!" He shook his head.

"Please eat babe." I sighed.

"No!" He said, and slapped the spoon out of my hand.

"Ross lynch! You say sorry right now!" I said sternly. He began to cry.

"Noo!" He whined.



"Three. Times up." I picked him up, and set him in his crib. He began to cry.

"Noo!! Out mommy! Out!!" he yelled. I ignored and sat on the couch. I see Laura toddle down the stairs.

"Why is Woss cwying?" She asked.

"Time out." I said.

"Oh." She said. I sighed, trying not to listen to the sad cries of my baby boy. His birthday is tomorrow. I feel bad, but he has to learn.

Laura sighed, and she stared at a picture. I looked and see who it was. It was a picture of her, and her mother, and girl who's probably her sister.

"Whos that?" I point at a girl.

"My swister." She said.

"Where is she?"

"She's dead.." She sighed sadly, putting it down. Poor girl.

"What happened then?" I asked.

"My mommy stwarted acting weird." She shrugged.

"Well, your lucky to have-"

Ross loudly screams. I run upstairs and see a woman in black carrying Ross. I run over to her but she disappears.

"ROSS!?!?" I yell. No answer.

"GIVE HIM BACK!!!" I yelled. No respond.

"ROSS!!!!!" I cried. No respond. I sink onto the floor and cry. Laura runs in.

"Delly? Whats wong?" She asked.

"R-Ross is gone!" I cried.

"W-What?" She began to cry, and ran downstairs.

Baby Heart-Ross Lynch fanfiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now