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It was the next morning, and I was so exhausted. I see Ross wide awake next to me, studying my face features.

"Good morning baby." I said. He smiled his smile that can make you melt.

"Mworning." He yawned, but he tried not to yawn, but he ended up yawing and smiling at the same time. I giggled and he did too.

"The world is a very crazy place buddy." I said. He nodded.

"Be safe. Once your a big boy, you have to face the world. Promise me to always be safe." I said. He nodded and we both got up. 

"Mommy." He said. I turned around.


"Diaper is wet." He yawned.

"Alright. Lets change you buddy." I said, and picked him up.

After I gave him a diaper change, I changed him into another yellow onesie that was clean, and grey sweat pants over it. No shoes because i'm not going outside today. I got dressed into a plain white T-shirt and a skirt that was flowy, meant for home, denim jacket over it, and a bun. I wore my yellow sandals. Comfy.

I set Ross down on the floor as he plays with his teddy, and stuffed lady bug. I was just about to sit down, but then I recieved a knock from the door.

"Darn. Coming!" I said. I walked to the door, and I opened it. I found a familiar person that I hate. 


"What do you want? You insulted my baby. " I said.

"I wanted to give you something to say sorry." She handed me something in a wrapper. It wasa green wrapper.

"Its this candy I made, It taste like grapes." She smiled. 

"Wow. Uh thanks." I said.

"Bye." She said, and left. I looked at the candy. I opened it and looked at it. I was about to eat it but Ross interrupted me. I looked down at him.

"Can I have some?" He smiled. I stared at the candy. I'm not gonna eat it.

"You can have it all." I smiled. I gave it to him and he ate it happily. I know its too early for that, but I havent made anything, and I bet hes starving. I started to make breakfast.

"Whatcha mwakin?" He asked. 

"Eggs." I said. He smiled.

"Yummy!" He squealed and skipped away into the living room. I smiled and continued.


Once I was done, I picked Ross up and put him on his high chair. I poured the eggs on his high chair board, and he stared down at it.

"Arent you gonna eat sweetie?" I said.

"I not hungwy." He said. Here we go.

"Please eat honey." I said while walking over to him. He shook his head. I took a half spoon of eggs and went to put it in his mouth, but he turned away and shook his head.

"Ross. Eat please." I said.

"I not hungry.." He whined.

"Please Ross! The doctor said your too skinny for your age. You have to eat!" I said more sternly.

"Mommy." He said.

"I can't eat." He whined.

"You can Ross. Just eat." I said.

"Mommy. I want to. But Me can't." He started to cry. I picked him up and rubbed his back as he cried on my shoulder.

"Shh its okay. You dont have to eat." I patted his back. I dont wanna force him if he's not feeling good to eat. For me to force him to eat is like being forced to suck a- Uh... nevermind.

I rubbed his back while sitting on the couch.

"Its okay baby. Just breath. Its gonna be okay." I said. He took deep breaths and stopped crying.

He soon fell asleep in my arms.

Why doesn't he want to eat?

-------At night-----

I was asleep in bed, but I heard loud crying from Ross' room. I run into Ross' room but I see a strange person at his crib.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled. She looked at me and smirked evily. She suddenly ran out of the window. I rush over to Ross and find him crying.

"MOMMY!" He screamed. I picked him up and held him close.

"Its okay baby. Its okay. I'm here with you now. No ones gonna get you." I cooed. He sniffled.

"Your sleeping with me tonight okay?" I said. He nodded and I brung him into my room. Once I laid on my bed, I was out like a light.


Baby Heart-Ross Lynch fanfiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now