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Rydel POV:

I woke up to see that today was Ross' doctors appointment! I got up and quickly got dressed into blue ripped jeans, high heels that make me only an inch taller, a white tank-top, blue denim jacket, and my hair was in a bun. I put on make up as usual. Like who wants to see my ugly face? I went to Ross' nursery and see him asleep. I don't want to wake him up.

I picked him up carefully trying not to wake him up. I change his diaper, and dress him into his blue orange onesie, grey shirt over it, and then his short jeans that reach up to his knees. As I put his shoes on, he began to wake up.

"Mommy?" He said tiredly. He looked around. I got him out of the changer, and placed him on the floor.

"Yes sweetie?" I said.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Your going to the doctor." I said. His eyes widened.

"No!!" He yelled.

"Hey, no yelling." I said. He pouted and hit m leg.

"Ouch! That wasn't nice Ross. Say sorry to mommy!" I said. He shaked his head and looked at me angrily. 

"One...." I said.


"three. Alright, when we come back home, your staying in time out for 15 minutes." He said. He shrugged.

"I dwont cware." He said.

"Attitude mister!" I said sternly. He pouted.

"I dwont want to go doctor!!" He whined.

"Well your going. So we can see if your healthy." I said. He whined and I picked him up. I went outside and lock the house. Then I buckle him in his carseat, and I go on he drivers seat. I start the car and then start driving.

Basically he was whining the whole time.


Ross is suddenly quiet. We finally got there and I picked him up and entered the doctors office.

Mr Steff stood there.

"Come along now." He said we followed him into his doctors room where it had little kid colors, and numbers and all those decorations.

"Hi Ross. How are you?" He asked. Ross looked up and looked at him.

"Good." He said, and continued to play with his hands.

"Thats good. Now i'm just gonna give you a check up." He said. Ross nodded without throwing a tantrum and the doctor did his height, weight, pressure, and everything else he does.

"Alright Ms Lynch, he'll need a couple of shots. Just to check his blood." He said. I nodded.

Oh boy.

"Okay Ross. Mr Steff is gonna give you a couple of shots." I said slowly. He started to cry as I sit him down on the couch. He refused to stay still so I placed him on my lap, while holding him down. Mr Steff started  with his arms and he screamed. Damn! He screams really loud. I cover his mouth while he cried. I hate it when he's scared. It makes my heart sink.


Mr Steff finally finishes and Ross was still crying. Mr Steff took out a little toy to give to Ross.

"Look Ross." I said. He stopped crying and looked at the toy. He smiled and took it.

"Ross is healthy, though he does have to eat a little more. Pretty skinny for his age. But otehr than that, he's fine." He said. I nodded and thanked him and I carried Ross out of the doctors office, planting kisses on his forehead.

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