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Rydel POV:

I woke up to the sound of whimpering. I checked the time. Its morning. I looks down and see Ross whimpering.

"Sweetie, whats wrong?" I asked him. He didn't answer. He just continued to cry. I took him t the bathroom and set him down on the sink.

"Whats wrong Ross?" I asked. He continued to cry, but what he did was unexpected. He coughed blood and began to cry again.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. He continued to cough blood, making the sink red. I called 911.

"Hello!? Its Rydel! Ross is coughing blood and wont stop!" I said.

"Okay. We're on our way." the operator said.

I got a towel for Ross to spit into. I took him downstairs, and went outside, where the ambulance has arrived. They brought him into the gurney, putting a breathing mask on him.

"Move move move!" They said. I entered the ambulance quickly, sitting beside him.

"Mommy! It hurts!" He screamed.

"Isn't there anything you can do!?" I yelled at the nurses. But it was too late for them to answer. They rushed him out of the ambulance, and straight inside the hospital. They rushed through the doors.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. I held his tiny little hand, but soon, I had to let go.

"No! I have to be there with him!!!!!" I yelled. They ignored, and took him inside the emergency room. I sunk down on to my knees and cried. I picked up the phone and dialed Rikers number.

"Hello?" His voice said.

"R-Riker..." I sobbed.

"Rydel? Whats wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Its Ross....." I sniffled.

"Whats wrong with Ross?" He asked worriedly once again.

"He's in the hospital..... He started coughing blood, and then he couldn't breath. I don't know what happened..." I sobbed.

"We'll be there as fast as possible." He said, and hung up. I sniffled and got up, and walked back to the waiting room. I sat on a chair, and cried on my hands.

"Rydel!" I heard a voice say. I looked up and see Riker, and the rest of them with sad faces.

"R-Riker.." I sobbed, and got up and hugged him. He hugged back.

We did a group hug, and we all sat down, and Ellington trying to comfort me, but I just wont budge.

"Ross is in there suffering! He's only little! Did I do anything wrong!?" I sobbed.

"You did do anything wrong." He said. I shook my head.

"I must have done something wrong!" I sniffled.

"You didn't." Rocky said.


It was hours later, and the doctor finally came in.

"Ross lynch?" He said. We got up.

"Well, we believe..." He looked in Ross' door through the window, then looked back at us.

"He's been poisoned." The doctor said.

"W-What?" I said.

""He's been poisoned Ms Lynch. He must have eaten something with a chemical in it." He said.

"There is a cure right?" Riker said.

"I'm.... afraid not...." The doctor said.

"What!? There has to be an antidote!" I cried.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have an antidote. This is a strange chemical inside him, that we've never studied. We only know that side affects which are trouble breathing, coughing blood, vomiting, heavy sweating, weakness, swollen throat, and... death...." My eyes widened at the last part.

"You need to find that antidote! He's too young to die!" I said.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have the antidote. But i'm sure the person who had poisoned him may have the antidote." He said.

"How do we find it!?" Ellington said.

"Well, first things first...(I'm the realist!) Ms Lynch, you need to find out EVERYTHING he ate this past week. And I mean like.. Did anybody offer him something? Or... pizza take out? Something like that." He said.

"What happens if we don't find the antidote?" Riker asked.

"Then... this poor young child will experience death." He finished off. I froze.


Sorry I haven't updated! I'm trying to make a schedule! I'm still trying to figure it out. State exams are coming on Monday, and I need to be ready!I'm sure maybe in the summer i'll update often. And that is if I pass the exams. I hope I do. Wish me luck....


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