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Rydel has reported Laura's mother with proof, and now shes in prison for the attempt of 'murdering' Ross.
At the moment, they are about to leave the hospital.

~~~~~~Rydel POV~~~~~~~~~

"He's free to go. Just come here quickly if anything happens." Mr Toby said.

"Thanks for the help." I said while taking Ross' hand.

"Ah.... its my job." He smiled, and left to another room. I began to walk away with Ross. I see Laura waiting for me at the exit, next to a police or court worker.

"Where will I stay?" She asked sadly.

"Uh... How about...you stay with us?" I suggested. I looked at the lady. She nodded giving me papers to sign. I know two toddlers at once is a lot of work, but hey....why not?

It took me two hours to finish filling in the papers since its like a huge packet.

"Mommy, I bored." Ross whined.

"Don't worry Ross, I'm finishing up." I said. He sighed and began to play 'walking fingers' with Laura. I giggled and started to fill the papers.

I was finally done, and I sighed in relief.

"Time to go home." I said. I carried Laura on my back, as Ross walk along side me.

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I see Ratliff riding on the skate board, passing by me, while Rocky rides along side him, and Ryland and Riker chasing them.

"Hey guys, come and meet Laura!" I said, and went into the house, leaving it open, so they could come inside. Laura sat down at the couch.

"Mommy." Ross said.


"Diaper wet." He said. Oh.

"Okay, come on. Laura, be right back." I said. She smiled and nodded, taking out my little pony toys. Cute. I went into the changing board, and began to change Ross.

I fasten the diaper around his waist, and I was done.

"There you go." I said. At least he's not complaining about it like last time.

I picked up Ross, and took him back downstairs, and see all my siblings sitting next to Laura.

"How old are you Laura?" Riker asked.

"I this many." She said, pulling out 2 fingers.

"Whens your birthday?" He asked. She starts to think.

"Movember 29." She said.

"Oh wow! Your exactly one month older than Ross!" Riker said. Ryland was on his phone, and Ratliff was doing the happy birthday song with his cheeks, and Rocky was listening to Riker and Laura i'm guessing. Ross sat beside her and I sit down as well.

"So i see you've met Laura." I said.

"Yep. Shes super awesome!" Riker said. She took his glasses off, and put them on.

"Wook, I Wiker!" She giggled. I laughed. Kids.


"See you soon guys." I said waving. I pecked Ellington's lips.

"That's not a kiss." He said. I laughed and shut the door on his face. I look over at the couch, and see Ross and Laura, asleep on the couch. I took a picture of them and post it on Instagram. Comments rolled in fast:

@ReadySetRock!36: OH MAH GOD THATS SO CUTE!!!

@Disno3233: Awwww... who is she? This is too adorable!

@RssRocker3r: Oh my gosh, I DIE! X_X

I laughed at the comments and put my phone down. I carried them both upstairs and decided to put them both in Ross' crib together. I smiled, and headed for bed, from a looooong tiring day.


Hi! Sorry its short.... At least I think... I'll leave that to you guys...
Anywho, I'm so happy Rydellington has been confirmed!! I couldn't believe it! :OOOO
And sorry if your not a Raura shipper, but I am, so I just had to do that up there ^^^^^^ Like, all the way up there...^^^^
Anyways, you'll be surprised on what happens in the Epilouge! Just saying!
Stay rossome, be ratliffic, and rocky on!
-Ana banana

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