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Rydel POV:

I woke up and see Ross not next to me. I start to panic. 

"Ross!? Ross!? Where are you!?" I yelled. No response. Instead I heard keys gingling coming from downstairs. I rushed downstairs and found Ross talking to a woman.

"So heres a peice of candy for your kindness." She smiled and took out a peice of cotton candy. I squealed and took it.

"So can- Oh hello!" The lady said.

"Uh!! Who are you?" I asked. She looks familiar.

"Oh, I'm Lauras Mom! Are you familiar?" She said. Oh!

"Oh yeah! I do! I got really scared when Ross was gone." I said while picking him up as he ate.

"I made that candy myself. I hope you like it!" She smiled. Ross nodded and smiled.

"Dont eat too much of it okay? I don't want my baby to be sick." I said.

"Oh. W-Well I must be going. Nice to see you! G-Good bye!" She waved and smiled, and left. I shut the door.

"Okay thats enough candy this week." I said, and took the candy away. He frowned.

"I don't want you to be sick of all that candy." I said. He huffed and toddled away. I watched him as he rolled around the floor giggling.

I then recieved a text from my phone. Its from Riker.

[Riker]: We have a concert in 2 hours!

[Rydel] What! I'll go get ready!


I put my phone down and I took a shower while Ross quietly watched TV. I got out and got dressed into a pink tank top that said, "I just want you" with a arrow thats crooked at the bottom, and black skinny jeans, and my long leather boots, bracelets that we're on my both wrist, a diamand necklace, my har was straightened, and dark make up. I went to take a Ross a bath since he was covered in candy. I dried him and dressed him up into his diaper, yellow onesie grey disney race cars shirt and his grey sweat pants, and black converse. Hair was regular as usual, and I went off to their house.


"Hi Delly!" Riker waved as he opened the door.

"Hey! We go to the concert now right?" I asked.

"Yep! Lets go!" He said. The rest of the group got into the car and Riker started driving.

"What did the cow say to the cow?" Ellington asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Moo..." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Thats not even funny!" I said.

"I know." He said, as he patted my right thigh. I rolled my eyes once again and looked out the window. I looked back and see Ellington telling Ross a joke.

"What did the monkey, say to the banana?" He asked. Ross shrugged.

"Ooh ooh, Ba-na-na" He said. Ross shook his head.

"Thats not evwen  fwunny!" He said with his cute baby voice.

"He's like you Rydel! WHYYY!!!!!!!!!???" He said. I rolled my eyes at him again and heard Riker's voice.

"okie we're here!!!" he said. We all got out of the car with me carrying Ross. We entered backstage and hear the crowds cheering.

R5! R5! R5! R5! R5! R5!

"R5 R5 R5 I wove it!" I heard Ross said his R's like hes saying "Awe". Its so cute!

"Now silly baby boy. Lets go to Q&A." I said. He nodded and we all went out on stage, and the fans screamed.

"Hey guys!!!" Riker shouted. The crowd screamed. We all sat on stools, and Q&A began.

"You there. With the cow girl hat." Ellington said. 

"How fun was it visiting your parents?" She asked in a country accent.

"Oh, It was nice. I loved hanging out with my parents. They're funny." He said. The R5family laughed lightly.

"OH yeah, Now we can see where you get your goofiness." I said.

"No duh! My dog!" He said.

"You dont even have a dog!" I said. He shrugged and the fans laughed a bit. We even heard, 'Rydellington' coming from they're mouths.

"Okay, your turn Delly.." He said. I nodded and I closed my eyes to pick on someones, while waving my arms in the air. I finally stopped and it landed on a girl with a mask.

"Hi. My name is Shia. I'm gonna say this. Tell yourself and your so called son to fuck off the world. Everyone hates you and Ross. So fuck off and give up on your life. Die!" She said. It made me feel sad about everything she said. Ross began to cry and he ran off the stage, running across the venue to leave the building.

"Ross wait!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. I ran off stage to catch him, but I fell on my face.

"Ouch!" I yelled. I heard a bunch of, 'Rydel are you okay?' and 'go stop Ross!' Thats exactly what i'm going to do. I ran on stage.

"Ross!!!! Where are you!!" I yelled into a microphone. No respond.

"Okay! Everyone quiet!" I said. It was dead silence. In the distance, I heard tiny familiar crys from a baby boy. Ross lynch.

I ran off stage and followed the crys, and I found him in a corner, crying. My poor baby. I saw security take the girl away. I picked up Ross and go on stage. I sat down and Ross was crying on my lap. I hard the fans aweing.

"Ross. Sh.. Don't believe what she said. She's lying. Shes jealous." I said. He stopped crying and looked up. I made a silly face and he giggled.

The fans awed once more.

"Say Hi to them." I said. He nodded and waved at them with his puffy eyes. They all cooed. 

Q&A started once again and then we performed.

 I was carrying Ross towards the car.

"Tired huh." I said, and I buckled him up, feeling relieved that he was okay after that hater interrupted his happiness. 


We finally got home and I put my stuff down. I was just about to go upstairs but then Ross screamed into my chest and started crying. I quickly sat on the couch to fingure out why he was crying. I was just about to look at his face, but he only held tighter and cried louder.

"D-D-Don't w-weave meeee..." He sobbed on me. I hugged him tighter.

"I wont. Never." I said. I'm assuming he had a bad dream. I went upstairs with him and I was gonna put him down in his crib, but he started to scream.

"No no no!!! DONT WEAVE!!  BWAD MAN IS COMING!!!!" He screamed. What is he talking about?

"Sweetie. No one is gonna take you." I said. He shook his head and cried. I sighed and brang him to my room. I took off his shoes, shirt, and his pants, only leaving him in his onesie.

"Bwad man is coming." He sniffled. I still didn't know what he was talking about. I laid in bed with him and put my arm around him.

"No one is gonna get you. I'm here." I said. I snuggled closer, and closed my eyes. I was still thinking.

What was he talking about?


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