But You Won't Even Look at Me

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The next few chapters will be from Nate's point of view :P

Nate couldn't help but cringe when Avril returned from the bathroom. Nattie strolled over to her. He whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. She nodded her head, her blonde hair bouncing.

Nattie, I'm about to beat the shit out of you, Nate thought.

Everyone looked at him. Fuck, Nate thought, did I say that out loud?

"You're gonna what?" Nattie asked.

"I-I was just joking..." Nate muttered.

"Oh, for a second I thought you were serious." Nattie chuckled.


They went back to talking. About twenty minutes later, they were called onstage.

It's about fucking time, Nate thought.

He grabbed a water bottle and followed everyone else out.

Damn, Nate thought, they didn't even tell us the crowd was here.

"Ladies and gentlemen...fun.!" A bald man wearing a black shirt with CREW printed on it announced. Nate waited for the commotion to calm down.

"All the pretty girls on a Saturday night. So I call your name, cross my fingers, uncross the others, hesitate, I don't think straight, with nothing to prove..." Nate started to sing. The crowd sang along, Nate was surprised that almost everyone there knew the lyrics.

Fun. had played two songs before they gave the stage to another indie band that the crowd didn't seem to know as well.

"So..." Nattie said to Nate.

"What?" He asked.

"So I was talking to Avril. And then you said you were gonna beat the shit out of me..." He said awkwardly.

"Oh yeah...um, I was just joking."

"It didn't really seem like it..."

"Well-" Nate was cut off by Jack.

"Guys, they put the boozes back stage." He said excitedly.

"I'm in." Nate replied quickly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Midnight." Jack said, directing Nate to the back.

"He'll be seen soon!" Nate laughed.

"Oh yeah!" Jack agreed.

Nattie just shook his head and went to look for Avril.


Nate finished his fourth beer? Fifth? Who knew? If he got drunk, he'd forget: exactly what he wanted to do. He didn't want to remember Avril flirting with Nattie.

This is ridiculous, Nate thought, I sound like a teenager.

One beer later, Nate came to a decision:

If Avril wasn't mature enough, and obviously she wasn't considering her sudden flirty attitude and that she wouldn't even talk about that night they were "together," then he would attempt to stop the feelings. It saved him heartache. But did he really have control over them? Could they be stopped?

For some odd reason, Nate could make decisions like that when drunk. It didn't make sense to him at all.

Once sober, Nate would let Avril know how he felt and then tell her that her leave her alone.

I know not many people are reading this, but thank you! I hope you're enjoying it!

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