Love is Speaking in Code

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Suitcase...that is all. And there's an important note at the end of this chapter.

About two months had past since that day with Ariana and the other fight with Avril. A lot was different.

Avril was three months pregnant and wouldn't speak to Nate or Ariana. And Ariana was dating that Liam guy and Andrew was back in Michigan for awhile. Jack was seeing some Lena girl as well. Nate was all alone.

Nate had tried dating but it never worked out. He just couldn't find a girl he liked. Or someone who wasn't blonde. Too many bad memories...cough cough Avril...

He felt like a waste of space. Something else made things worse for him.

One day while at a bar, Nate saw Avril. She was at the barstool right next to his. Nate tried not to be noticed but unfortunately she did.

"Great seeing you here." She muttered her tone screaming sarcasm. Nate was silent. He just sipped his drink awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" Avril asked him. Nate snorted.

"I could ask you the same. You shouldn't be drinking if you're pregnant. The kid will be even more messed up than it already would." He muttered the last part.

Avril heard it.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused."

"You're impossible."

"And you're looking for trouble."

"I'm done talking to you."

"You're the one who started talking to me." Nate muttered. Avril glared.

"Just shut up." She growled. Was it pregnancy hormones or was she just being a bitch...?

The bartender placed Avril's drink in front of her.

"Time to damage your fetus." Nate sang. Avril glared and gave him the finger.

"Correction: our kid." Avril said bitterly.

"Fetus." Nate mumbled.

"Oh my god, go away!" She yelled. Nate shrugged.

"I was here first!"

"Then go harass someone else!"

"Go harass your fetus."

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Shut the fuck up, both of you!" Jack said sitting down next to Nate.

"What are you doing here?" Nate asked.

"Well, I came to talk to you but then I heard you yelling fetus so..."

"What did you need to talk to me about?"

"Oh yeah. We're having a family reunion this weekend. You're invited." Jack said.

"Family reunion?" Nate asked.

"You know, you talk to all of your cousins and watch your uncle get drunk off his ass, the usual." Jack explained.

Nate chuckled. "I know what one is but why are you inviting me?"

"'Cause you're like family." Jack said like it should have been obvious.

Nate smiled. That was probably the best thing he'd heard in a while.

"Thanks, man." Nate said.


"Over the hills and through the woods to the Antonoff's house we go." Jack sang in the car as he drove. They were on their way to New Jersey.

Nate checked the car's time. "You sure we won't be late?" He asked.

"Relax, we don't have to be till two." Jack said. It was one fifty and they had only been on the road for ten minutes. It took a little bit over an hour to get from New York to New Jersey.

Nate leaned back. "Whatever." He sighed.

An hour later, they pulled into Jack's parents' house. Late as usual.

Nate and Jack got out of the car and decided to get their stuff later. Jack was staying for the weekend and asked Nate if he wanted to too; he said yes.

They walked into the backyard and saw people everywhere. Damn, Jack, Nate thought, got a lot of family...

Nate and Jack greeted Jack's parents'. They said they were thrilled to have Nate. They've always liked him. After saying hi to some of his cousins Nate went to get a drink at the table they'd set up.

Nate opened his beer then saw a girl he'd never seem before. But she looked oddly familiar.

"Hi." She smiled politely noticing his stare.

Nate's face turned red. "Hi." He said back.

"You must be Nate, Jack's friend."

Nate nodded. "Bandmate too."

"Oh right! I forgot! You guys are great." She remarked. Nate smiled.


"No problem. I'm Rachel." She stuck out her hand. Nate shook it.

Nice to meet you."

"You too."

Rachel was pretty and looked well-dressed for just a reunion.

Jack walked over to the two.

"Hey, Nate. I see you've met my sister." He said.

So as I said in the beginning, I have something important to say. I'm nearing the end of this pretty soon. There will most likely be an update this weekend maybe even more than one. And I know it's kind of weird for Nate to know Jack's family but not Rachel but I'll be getting to why it's that way. This won't end with Nate, Jack, and Rachel in New Jersey though. There's gonna be a twist.

~Carry On~

- Sam

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