Just Leave Me Hanging There

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Avril fiddled with her hands around the coffee mug. Ariana was still staring at her, making her uncomfortable. Ariana knew what was up. Avril hadn't told her though, but she was always transparent.

"Okay, tell me." Ariana said finally. Shit, Avril thought, why'd she always have to pry into my life? This is none of her business. Only mine.

"What?" Avril asked. Ariana rolled her eyes with a sigh. "You're hiding something."

"If I was, why would I need to tell you?" Avril snapped. Ariana rolled her eyes again. "Because I'm your friend." She said with an obvious tone.

"Ariana, I'm not gonna tell you. If I do then you'll just make me tell everyone who you think needs to know. You don't need to tell me what to do and what's right and what's wrong. I can take care of myself." Avril said firmly crossing her arms over her chest.

"I promise I won't. Just tell me then I'll leave you alone." Ariana offered. You need to mind your own business, Avril thought. But she knew she might as well tell her. Avril sighed.

"Fine. I told Nate I got an abortion but I really didn't, I just did it so he'd leave me alone but then he just got even more upset." Avril said very quickly.

Ariana's mouth hung open. "You have to tell him!" She cried. Avril's face contorted in anger.

"You said you wouldn't do that!" She cried. Ariana blushed. "Sorry. It's just that you shouldn't keep something that big from him." She explained. She finger-combed her hair nervously. Avril didn't say anything.

"Promise me you will?" Ariana asked. "This isn't up to you." Avril said shaking her head.

"I know; it's none of my business but I just don't want you to cause anymore drama for yourself." Ariana explained.

"Anymore drama? What's that supposed to mean?" Avril snapped again.

"Avril, you know what happened." Ariana said, referring to the incident from a few nights ago.

"That doesn't mean you have to remind me." She grumbled.

"I'm sorry but if you won't tell him I will." Ariana warned. Something told Avril she wasn't bluffing.

"Why would you do that? It's none of your concern. He doesn't need to know." Avril stated matter-of-factly.

"He's the God damn father, Avril! What are you gonna do when you actually have the baby?" Ariana cried. Avril was fed up with her.

"That's for me to know and you to NOT find out." Avril said then stormed out of the apartment.


Rain dribbled from the sky, closeting the afternoon sun as Nate rushed out to his car from the gas station. He plopped down in the seat and reached into the bag. He picked up the carton and tossed it back and forth in his hands.

He hadn't smoked in a year but he was antsy and that made him want to; they'd calm him down. Nate was about to searh for an old lighter but stopped. There was someone in the park.

Nate got out of his car and ran through the ran over to the person. It was Avril. She was sitting on a bench, legs tucked under herself, sitting in the rain.

"Avril? What the hell are you doing out here?" He asked. He shook the rain out of his hair. It fell in his eyes.

She didn't answer. Nate sat down next to her. "Can I give you a ride?" He offered. Still no reply. A few minutes passed.

"It-it's still here." She said softly. "What?" Nate asked, confused. Avril wouldn't look up.

"The baby. It's still here."

Sorry it's kind of short and boring.

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