Just Some Scars

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His sister? Nate was screaming inside his head. Nate knew he liked her. If he tried anything Jack would murder him in his sleep.

"Sister?" Nate choked out. Jack nodded. "Yeah, Rachel."

Nate mentally slapped himself. How could he have forgotten about her? Nate knew Rachel but he hadn't seen her in five years (a/n: I know you're probably thinking it was only three years but fun. really formed in 2008).

One of Jack's uncles waved him over and Jack turned back to Nate and Rachel.

"Joe wants me. I'll talk to you guys later." He said them headed off to his uncle.

"So, you two are really close, right?" Rachel asked after Jack was gone.

"Yeah. He's one of my closets friends." Nate replied. Rachel smiled.

"I like you." She said.

Shit. She can't like me, Nate thought.

"What...?" Nate asked. Rachel laughed at him.

"I meant as a friend." She explained.

"Ohhh." Nate nodded. Rachel raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong with me?" She joked.

"Well..." Nate taunted her. Se slapped him lightly on the arm.

"Kidding, kidding." He laughed.

"You better be."

Nate's phone rang.

"Sorry." He apologized. "Go ahead." Rachel told him.

Nate walked a few feet away from her. "What?" He snapped. It was Avril.

"I'm sorry." She said. She was crying. Pregnancy hormones at its best.

"Avril, I'm kinda busy." Nate replied.

"Come over." She begged.

"Why?" Nate asked skeptically.

"Because." Avril sobbed.

"I'm in New Jersey. I can't."

"What are you doing there?"

"I'm with Jack."

Avril sniffled then hung up.

"Jesus." Nate said walking back over to Rachel.


"Just a girl."

"Maybe you should try hearing her out."

"I don't think that can fix everything."

Rachel shrugged. She seemed really nice. And sane unlike some other people...

Nate put his phone into his pocket and noticed Rachel staring at him.

"What?" He asked. She smiled.

"I really like you." She said.

"I like you too." Nate said back.

"Then come with me." Rachel said and took Nate by the wrist. She led him to the driveway.

"What are you-?" Nate started. Rachel cut him off by kissing him. Nate was surprised at first but kissed her back. They were like that for a minute or so before they heard someone.

"What the hell is going on over here?" Someone asked. Nate stopped and turned around.

Jack had followed them and saw them together.

"My sister? Are you serious?" He demanded.

"Jack-" Rachel started. Jack shook his head. "You stay out of this." He was pissed.

"Jack, I'm sorry." Nate said. Jack laughed bitterly.

"Sure you are. I bet you're sorry about what you did to Avril too." Jack said.

"Don't start bringing up that, please. I'm sorry. It'll never happen again." Nate begged.

Jack was thinking of what to say next. He seemed to calm down a bit. After a minute or so he finally spoke.

"Just...just leave her be." He said finally then walked back into the yard, Rachel in his hold.

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