Prologue Part 2 (3 yrs later)

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Jin was preparing the cafe for his friend group's weekly meetup. His shop had grown in popularity and he recently was able to remodel. Gone was tacky the decor his and Taehyung's parents put up in 1974. "The Magic Brew" was now full of neutral brown tones, with the occasional pop of lilac. Tae had insisted on the color as a reminder of how Jin's hair looked when their shop first started to make enough of a profit for the two brothers to quit their part time jobs. Jin is pretty sure Tae just wants to tease him about his least favorite dye job he's ever had. That was the last time Jin did his hair without his brother's help. Tae always had a better eye for color. Not surprising for someone as artistic as Tae.

After his graduation Tae decided that, despite his art degree,  he would continue working at the cafe with his older brother. While Taehyung doesn't have the eye his Hyung has when it came to being a barista, he had no problem with brewing anything from their menu. He also bakes for the shop. He can't cook dinner for the life of him though. Taehyung and his self proclaimed soulmate Jimin have that in common.

Jin and Taehyung closed up shop at 5 on Sundays so that's when the rest of the crew would usually arrive. The second the door opened signaling the arrival of one of the group Tae bolted from the kitchen to hug the newcomer. Hobi chuckled at the energetic 23-year-old hanging off of him and enthusiastically waved at Jin Hyung who was just coming out from behind the counter. Taehyung eventually released Hobi when he heard the door open once again signaling Jimin's arrival. As those two went through the same welcoming process despite having seen each other at lunch, Hobi went over to sit at a booth with Jin.

The 24-year-old seemed even more happy than usual, which was frankly blinding coming from the sunshine of the group. Jin was curious why, and the second the other two sat down he asked what happened to make Hobi so happy. Hoseok began bouncing with excitement and exclaimed that he'd been promoted to Lead Programmer. While none of the others knew what this job entailed, they were happy for Hobi nonetheless.

"I guess you won't be coming to pick up the boss's coffee anymore. Huh?" Jin jested. That was what brought Hobi into their friend group 3 years ago. It was nice to find a friend closer to his age, even though Hobi was still 2 years his junior.

"No, I'm still going to be doing some of the assistant duties until he can find a suitable replacement. Besides, I can't quit your coffee, and I doubt Namjoon can either."

"I can't believe you're so comfortable with your boss to call him by his first name." Jimin said.

The rich and powerful always made the boy nervous. He wasn't a fan of office politics, or having a high social status. While Jimin was popular in College he only ever hung around with Tae and Hobi. He had no interest in fake people or the drama those types of people inevitably brought about. Now the dance major prefers to teach dance at the studio he opened after college with the savings he earned with part time jobs and from performing with a dance troupe.

"My bosses are also my friends Jimin-ah. Without Yoongi Hyung I wouldn't have gotten the interview, and Namjoon and he were close, so after I became Namjoon's assistant I became his friend as well. They are good people." J-Hope said. He would really like for all of his friends to get along, but the odds of that happening were slim.

"We don't think they're bad Hyung. Being close to two of the most eligible bachelors in Korea is just not exactly in our wheelhouse. Jin Hyung and I don't really like attention and Jiminie has trust issues." Taehyung said.

"I don't have trust issues, I just am not the most sociable. And I have no interest in dealing with gossip. Anyway, I'm sorry Hobi Hyung, but I would rather stay out of the spotlight when I'm not onstage. You might not mind showing up on Korea Dispatch, but that's my worst nightmare." Jimin said.

Hobi replied "I know Jimin-ah I won't introduce any of you guys, unless I have to."

The other three hoped that day would never come. They were happy with their simple lives, and truly believed they weren't missing anything.

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