Chapter 7 🍌🥛

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Taehyung had to admit he was more excited than he was anxious to be left alone at the coffee shop. That excitement might be at the prospect of a certain bunny boy coming again. The man was undeniably attractive, and he had this vibe of sorts that made Taehyung feel less anxious. (AN: it's hard to describe, but some people are just less intimidating to be around even when you have social anxiety.) Because of this, Tae was determined to get closer to the man, and hoped to see him again today.


When Jungkook entered the coffee shop he was once again greeted with a boxy smile. Jungkook removed his mask and hat and returned it with a smile of his own. Jungkook had decided to come back, and maybe befriend the sweet cashier.

"What can I get for you this morning, Jungkook-ssi?" Taehyung smiled.

"Oh I'll take a slice of the uh... marble loaf and um... another..." Jungkook scratched his head, still a bit embarrassed to be a grown man ordering flavored milk at a coffee shop.

"Banana milk." Taehyung cut in, amused at the other man's embarrassment.
Jungkook nodded shyly.

Taehyung smiled and spoke. "There's no need to be embarrassed Jungkook-ssi, not everyone who comes here comes for the coffee. My main job here is to bake, not brew coffee, so it's not an insult to me that you don't want coffee. I'll have your order ready in a moment."

"Just call me Jungkook, you might be my Hyung, anyway. How long have you worked here?"

"Well I've worked here my whole life really. My Hyung and I own this Cafe together. Our parents left it to us to run it when they moved back to Daegu. I started working full time after I finished college though, so it's been about two years."

"You're 25 then? You are my Hyung. I'm twenty three. I just graduated college recently." Jungkook said.

Taehyung finished getting Jungkook's order and brought it to the table Jungkook left his things at, with the man, himself following behind him.

"So Jungkook-ah what do you do?"
Jungkook responded. "I guess I'm an artist. I don't really have an official job just yet though. I do watch my nephew a lot though."

Taehyung grinned with excitement. "You're an artist? I have an art degree, but  I decided to follow my passion for baking instead. So, what kind of art do you do?"

Jungkook replied. "Oil painting, and photography are my two main mediums."

Taehyung smiled at the younger. "You'll have to show me your art sometime."

Jungkook smiled and nodded at his Hyung. Tae smiled in return and the two took a second to admire each other's smiles. Taehyung's smile was just as boxy as always, and Jungkook's emphasized his bunny teeth.

They talked a bit more about their interests, and discovered that they had quite a bit in common. Taehyung debated asking the younger for his number, but eventually chickened out, too anxious the other would take it as a come-on.

Jungkook simply didn't think of it, since he'd surely be coming back for more pastries, not to mention the company wasn't half bad. He decided he'd be coming back Monday, if not sooner.


Soon after Jungkook's departure, Seokjin came back, and Taehyung decided to mention his new friend, if he could call him that. Jin was obviously ecstatic to hear his little brother was coming out of his shell a bit, and he proceeded to happy dance. Tae decided to join his Hyung in the dancing celebration, and they were eventually caught by a customer. Both men blushed a bit, and Taehyung darted back to the kitchen. It was an exciting Friday, indeed.

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