Chapter 9

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After a car ride which consisted of two bickering children arguing about honorifics, two others quietly talking about their favorite tv shows, and one driver trying to ignore the chaos around him, they finally arrived. Taehyung and the boys went ahead, excited to be at the café, and ready to be away from the silly argument. While Jungkook and Jimin continued on.

"Sure thing, Jimin-ssi." Jungkook said sarcastically.

"Jungkook! You call Tae by Hyung, why do you refuse to call me anything but Jimin-ssi?" Jimin questioned, annoyed.
The pair also entered the shop.

Jin greeted everyone, subtly glancing at his brother after Jungkook introduced himself, realizing he was the boy Tae was talking about the day before.

Everyone took a seat at the two tables Jin and Tae pushed together while Jimin and Jungkook were arguing, save for the two cafe workers, who went to get food for everyone.

Tae popped back out to bring banana milks to Jungkook and the two little boys, affectionately ruffling each boy's hair, including Jungkook who's ears turned crimson, surprised by the action. Taehyung on the other hand, who was so used to doing so when Jimin brought Rocky by, hadn't even realized he did the same to Jungkook until Jimin started giggling and teasing Jungkook about being a child. Tae darted back into the kitchen before Jimin could start teasing him too.

Jin looked at his brother, confused by his flustered state, but decided not to question it, as they brought out sandwiches, pastries, fruits, and cookies.


Once everyone was settled, the group started eating with occasional idle chatter, learning more about each other. After most of the meal was finished, they continued snacking, and started properly conversing.
(A.N. Idk if the wording was awkward but they always seem too preoccupied with their food to talk all that much. As an American who isn't used to silent mealtimes, I think it's cute.)

"So Jungkook, and Sanha, how do you two know Jung Hoseok? He's the one who called to sign Sanha up for Dance Lessons." Jimin asked, curious about Hoseok's relationship with the little boy.

"You know Hobi-ah?! That man tricked me into bringing his boss's coffee. Do I look like an errand boy to you?!" Jin dramatically interrupted. Jungkook looked at him confused.

"Why can't Namjoon-Hyung just come get his own coffee?" He asked.

"If that man is seen here, 'The Magic Brew' might end up on Dispatch, and that's the last thing we want." Jimin replied.

"Isn't all publicity good publicity or whatever?" Jungkook questioned.

Having heard his Hyungs talk about this many times before, Rocky replied. "Tae-Hyungie has aegyophobia, and something else I can't pronounce, so big crowds is bad."

"Agoraphobia, pup. Aegyo doesn't bother me. Otherwise how would I survive your cute little pouts." Taehyung turned to Jungkook and continued. "I'm agoraphobic so big crowds make me panic. I always have to hold onto one of my hyungs when we go somewhere like the airport or the mall. I also have Social Anxiety, so being harassed by a paparazzo, or a crazed fan might send me into a panic attack. That's why my hyungs refuse to have anything to do with the rich and famous."

Jungkook nodded along, understanding since it was similar to the way his Yoongi-Hyung protects him.

"Jungkook, you never answered my question. How do you know Hobi-Hyung?" Jimin said.

Jungkook wasn't sure if he should mention his brother's identity. It felt a bit too soon for that. His brother always tells him not to let people know they're related until he can ensure Jungkook and Sanha won't get caught in the crossfire of his fame. Besides, it seems Jungkook's new friends may not appreciate his brother's wealth and fame. He used to worry people would use him if they found out his brother was Min Yoongi. This is a refreshing new problem for him, but a problem nonetheless.

"My brother works with Hoseok-Hyung." Jungkook eventually responded.

"Oh, what's his job?" Taehyung asked.

"He's a programmer." Jungkook decided to try and avoid lying for the most part. The other's would likely assume his brother would share Sanha's last name, and he wasn't going to correct them.

"You should introduce us some time. Rocky and Sanha can have a play date." Jimin said.

Jungkook gave a halfhearted smile and responded. "Yeah, sure thing."

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