Chapter 2

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"HOSEOK! STOB IT!" Jin raised his voice trying to get his friend to stop talking so fast. Jin is not much of an English speaker and his pronunciation was a telltale sign of that fact.

"What do you mean I have to bring your boss his coffee? Do I look like a delivery boy? Why can't the man get his own coffee?"

Hobi had his reply ready. "I know, but he only drinks the coffee I bring from you. You told me you didn't want famous people getting your shop in a gossip magazine. If he comes here that's what's going to happen."

"So what? Find someone else to come get his coffee. Why should I leave my shop for a half hour every day until you come back to serve some temperamental rich man?" Jin reasoned.

"Because I'm asking nicely, and because I'm going to bribe you with a fishing trip." Hoseok knew his Hyung desperately wanted someone to fish with him, and while he had no interest in fishing he would sacrifice his boredom for his Hyung to meet Namjoon and Yoongi.

Jin sighed "Fine. You win. How long will you be gone?"

Hobi eagerly replied "I leave Thursday, and come back next Wednesday. You're free over the weekend." And just like that, Jin was being forced to bring coffee to Kim Namjoon.


Now it seems like Hobi has only meddled in Jimin's and Jin's lives so far, but by forcing Jin to leave his brother in charge of the cafe, he is also helping Tae. Taehyung who can be a bit shy around strangers tends to clings to his Hyungs and hide behind them when he's in public. He has social anxiety and is agoraphobic. Once he found Jimin, his soulmate, he never bothered trying to make more friends. After hearing about Hobi from Jimin during and after college he only agreed to meet him because his Jin Hyung and Jimin would be there. Hobi is trying to help Tae get out of his shell, or at least the kitchen, where he hides whenever a customer comes.

Hoseok asked Tae ahead of time if he'd be okay running the store on his own for a short while each day, and explained that he was trying to set Seokjin up with someone he believes would be perfect for him. Tae, of course quizzed Hobi on the man his brother is being set up with, and though he is definitely anxious about being around new people, especially celebrities, he agreed NamJin sounded like a good fit.

Hobi, of course has someone in mind for Taehyung too, however that person might take some convincing to go to a cafe, especially since he doesn't drink coffee.

Besides that, the plan is falling into place and Hobi can't wait to leave.

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