Chapter 12 ☕️

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Namjoon was waiting for Seokjin to arrive with his coffee, and had no qualms with admitting he was more excited to see the man than he was to drink the coffee. It amazed him how something that he considered the highlight of his morning was overshadowed by a person's company in the span of a few days. It wasn't love by any means, not yet. It was a fondness, and a definite spark of attraction.

"Joonie, Coffee!" Jin called letting himself into the CEO's office.

Namjoon smiled and greeted the older. "Good morning, Jin-Hyung. How was your weekend?"

"Good." Jin replied, fighting the urge to tell the man every little detail.

"Anything interesting happen?" Namjoon questioned, trying to learn more about the man he was so enamored with.

Jin couldn't hold back anymore after that and he spilled about meeting his brother's friend, whom he suspected his brother to have a crush on. He also talked about the adorable children present, and how much he loves kids. Jin also talked about Jimin, and how happy he is to have such a good person as his brother's platonic soulmate.

By the time Jin was done gushing about his family Namjoon had finished his coffee. The younger made sure to listen to every little thing Seokjin told him, and had added a few comments of his own. His biggest takeaway from the conversation was how loving and caring the sassy man really was. Seokjin was clearly a caretaker and nurturer, and that only made Namjoon like him more.

After realizing how long he was talking Jin apologized. "Sorry; I must be distracting you from your work."

"It's fine. I like learning more about you. Your family sounds great. I'd love to meet them sometime." Namjoon responded, treading lightly considering what Jungkook had told him the day before.

"I don't know about Jimin, but Taehyung would probably like to meet you." Jin said.

Taehyung would definitely like to meet Namjoon as long as he met him on his own terms, and away from the public eye. Jimin, on the other hand, would be harder to convince. Jimin is cautious when it comes to wealth and power. Obviously there was a story behind it, but Seokjin wasn't about to divulge it to anyone. It's Jimin's story to tell, not his.

"I think you'd really get along with my Hyung, too. He seems a bit cold, but Yoongi-Hyung is a very caring person." Namjoon said, knowing full well Yoongi would take some convincing before agreeing to meet any 'outsiders.' The fear of something bad happening to his family, and it being all his fault was too great.

"Maybe we could all get together one day." Jin replied hopefully, before glancing at his watch, and realizing he needed to get back to the café.

"For now, I need to get back to work." He added.

Namjoon smiled, and replied. "I'll walk you down, I need to drop a file off at the mail room."


Watching the man walking side by side with their CEO, the Cypher Tech. staff were shocked. Who was this handsome man, and what did he do to Kim Namjoon?

Namjoon was always a very caring, and upright leader. He was very respectful and polite to his colleagues. He treated everyone to a weekly lunch, ordering pizza, bagels, or a Korean dish like Bulgogi. He always bowed to his workers in greeting, no matter their rank, and always used honorifics with his elders.

Lately Namjoon seems to be a bit brighter than usual. He seems to radiate an almost childlike joy. Now watching him walk side by side with this broad-shouldered man, his staff can't help but wonder; Has their boss finally found someone willing to take care of him?


Jin might be a little interested in Namjoon. He wouldn't rush to say he'd fallen for the guy, but he was definitely interested. After all, Namjoon was definitely Jin's type, and his personality was much better than Jin had expected.
Even though he was a big CEO, Namjoon still treated everyone on his staff respectfully, and as his equals. As he was walking with Namjoon, Jin watched the younger man interacting with the office workers, and was pleasantly surprised. Namjoon was well liked and respected. Seokjin could clearly tell this by the way the other workers cheerfully greeted him. This company seemed to be a happy environment, instead of the rumored domineering CEO, Jin had gotten to know Namjoon was a true leader, one who earned respect by his actions, and not through fear-mongering.

Now if only Jin could convince Jimin that maybe not all of the rich and powerful were manipulative. Maybe this was something Jimin needed to learn on his own though.

AN: I encourage you to try and figure out what my emojis mean. I put them as a way for me to remember what/who the chapter is about. I keep adding more specific ones though because idk it gives me dopamine? So it's getting oddly complicated.

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