Chapter 12

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I am so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! These past few weeks have been crazy busy for me and I have had no time to write! I feel so so so so bad but please don't be mad! I hope you still stick with me even though I might take a while like this because my dance has been really demanding lately! Just to make up for the long wait,


The next chapter should be up sometime tomorrow! Thank you for all the support! And enjoy:)

Chapter 12

Fern watched with jealousy growing in the pit of her stomach as Bridget shamelessly flirted with Aden, him flirting right back, while they waited in line for tickets to the basketball game. She couldn't blame him, ever since the awkward kiss and the text message from Bridget, Fern started to completely ignore Aden other than the friendly chats they had once in a while. It was now the beginning of February and nothing had changed since the text message that had turned her world upside down a little more than a month ago.

Fern's mouth felt dry and her throat was tight as she read the text over and over again, somehow trying to comprehend what was happening in her mind. Hot tears fell quickly down her face as she dropped the phone and stumbled backwards into the wall behind her. She slid slowly down the wall, her mind foggy and slow, not really believing this was all real. She put her head in her hands and a million thoughts raced through her mind in a moment. The one thought that stood out to her though was how Bridget could have possibly found out about her little adventure into the woods with Aden. Especially the kiss.

Fern lifted her head slowly as her phone vibrated on the floor in front of her. She sat unresponsive, fear controlling her body once again. It vibrated a couple more times before falling silent. The phone vibrated once, signaling to her that she had a new voice mail. The blood rushed to Fern's head, making her dizzy and disoriented as she reached with a shaky hand to grab the phone that laid silent in front of her. She picked it up and pulled it close to her ear, waiting in anticipation for the voice she once trusted to be on the other end.

“Hey there slut. I don't know if you got my text but I just wanted to call you to tell you to watch your back.” Bridget's venomous voice hissed from the other end. Fern sucked in a short rapid breath, knowing the worst part was yet to come. “Anyway, I'm letting it slide this once, let's call this a warning. But let's make this clear, you good for nothing piece of dirt, I don't want this to ever happen again. I hope you feel good about yourself knowing that now that I know you went behind my back, the moment you do it again, the lies I'll start to spread will be much worse.” Bridget growled, Fern sensing the confident smirk she had on her face while she was talking.

“Please, please no.” Fern's voice strained, her tears falling faster than they were before. Fern clamped her mouth shut, knowing that Bridget really wasn't talking on the other end. Fern whimpered as silent sobs erupted throughout her whole body while the phone was silent, Bridget allowing the info to sink in Fern's mind.

“Isn't it funny? Aden was bullied, I wonder what he would think about his precious princess if he knew that she was a bully in elementary school?” Bridget laughed humorlessly, Fern sat still the feeling of her world crumbling away beneath her feet. So she did know, and now she was going to use his soft and vulnerable side against him. Fern felt like crying, screaming, and punching something all at once. How could people be so cruel? “Okay! Bye Fern, have a great rest of your day!” Bridget finishes in a sickeningly sweet and innocent voice that made Fern so mad she threw her phone against the wall, little springs and pieces flying out from the old piece of technology she was ashamed of even calling a phone. Fern watched happily as the phone's screen light flickered a couple times, trying it's hardest to stay alive before giving up and going black.

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