Chapter 13

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Yay!!!! I have over 2000 reads! My mind has been blown! Thanks to all the fans who are super involved in my writing! Thank you guys so so so so so much! You are the reason why I keep writing!

Now let's see if we can get this story up 3000 reads hm? Please help by voting, commenting, sharing! It would mean the world to me! And remember...

Dreams do come true, you just have to work for them.

Chapter 13

Fern fidgeted with the hem of her dress as she took in her appearance in the mirror in front of her. She was wearing a light pink dress that fit her figure up top with a sweet heart neckline then puffed out at her waist and fell just above her knees. She lightly traced the delicate hearts that were embroidered over the entire dress in places here and there. Fern wondered if it was too much but shook the thought from her head, it was Valentine's Day after all. Fern, Aden, Bridget and Jay had all decided that they wanted to do something special on Valentine's Day, so they all agreed to go out for dinner. Jay being the over top one, he offered to go to one of the most expensive restaurants in town. Aden and Fern both argued saying that it would be too much but finally giving in when Jay pressed on, claiming his uncle owned the restaurant and that they would get a great deal.

Fern slowly placed her feet into the light pink heels she had borrowed from her mother, knowing they would match her dress perfectly. Her mother had agreed, seeing as the heel wasn't very tall so she was less likely to roll her ankle in them. Fern ran a hand through her loose curls that surrounded her face as worry clouded her thoughts. What if Aden thought she looked ugly? Fern was lost in thought as she felt arms wrap around her and pull her into a hug, the scent signaling who it was immediately.

“You look beautiful Bud.” He murmured into Fern's ear, the tone of his voice sending shivers up and down her spine. Fern quickly spun around and pulled herself out of his grip, her cheeks hot and her stomach doing flip flops as she took in his appearance. He was wearing a nice dress shirt with the first button undone, giving him a more casual look that was tucked into dress pants. His hair was gelled so perfectly that it didn't look like there was a hair out of place, compared to the usual look of his hair flying everywhere.

“You clean up nice.” Fern breathed as Aden smirked in amusement, knowing his appearance had overwhelmed her.

“Not as well as you do, seriously Fern, you're breathtaking.” Aden mused as he wore a big goofy grin, an adoring look twinkling in his eyes. Aden then proceeded to take Fern's hand and place it on the crook of his arm as he escorted her down the stairs, making sure to lightly bump Fern into the wall and claiming it was an accident as his loud laugh erupted right after. Jay was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, flashing his perfect smile before replacing Aden's arm with his own.

“You looked like a vision coming down those stairs.” Jay drawled, using his perfect country charm he knew he had. Fern smiled sweetly at him before looking back at Aden, fury in his eyes as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Just as Fern was about to go over and talk to Aden, Bridget walked into the room, the smell of her perfume so strong it gave Fern a headache. Fern silently thanked Jay for taking her arm as Bridget passed, giving her an approving look before throwing her arms around Aden, clinging to him like a rag doll.

“Hi Bridget, you look...” Aden trailed off, awkwardly looking at the ceiling. Fern looked over at Bridget's appearance, realizing why Aden had acted so weird. Bridget was wearing a bright red dress that was so tight and short, she looked like she was ready to go stripping, not a nice dinner. Her heels were so tall she was almost as tall as Aden, which is saying something because Aden is pretty tall. Her make up was so thick and dark it looked like a three year old had gotten into her mother's make up.

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