Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Are you sure you don't need help finding your classes?” Aden asked in suspicion, knitting his eye brows in concern. Fern nodded confidently as the warning bell signaled that there was only one minuet until the final bell rung. She looked back towards the door of what would be her first period class, which was English. “Alright... but if you ever get lost and need help, just text me, okay?” Fern nodded in agreement. They had swapped their numbers, just in case Fern needed help navigating around the school. She had come right in the middle of first quarter, so everyone knew where they were headed already. “Alright! See you in third period!” Aden said, smiling and waving until he caught up with his friends. Fern watched as he was immediately surrounded by guys, clapping him on the shoulder or asking him questions. At one point they all howled in laughter at something someone had said. Fern sighed, slightly wishing she had that many friends. Fern shook the thought from her head as she turned on her heel and shuffled into English, watching her feet.

“Hi, you must be the new girl.” A warm voice said as Fern walked in. Fern raised her head to give a quick nod before her eyes started to wander. It was just like any other classroom, desks assorted into some kind of formation, random posters of things that involved the subject or homework plastered all over the walls. “Let's see... Fern right? We'll put you right here.” The lady, which Fern assumed as her English teacher pointed to a desk in the far corner, next to a girl with long, curly, red hair. Glasses were perched on top of her nose, which were slightly too big, making her face seem smaller in comparison to the glasses. Fern walked over and slowly took her seat, not uttering a single word to the girl who was sitting beside to her.

“Hi! I'm Bridget, you must be new.” Bridget says sticking out her hand for Fern to shake.

“I'm Fern.” She says, shaking hands before returning her attention to the front of the class.

“Where were you originally from?” Bridget continues, catching Fern off guard. She hadn't been expecting to make conversation, usually people just said hello and that was it. Fern glanced over. Now that she was up close, she noticed that Bridget had grayish-green eyes and lightly colored freckles sprinkled over her entire face. Bridget was really pretty, in a different kind of way. Fern started to feel self conscious as she compared her common, boring light brown, almost dirty blond, mid-length hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin to Bridget's bold and different features. “Hello?” Bridget says, waving a hand in front of Fern's eyes. Fern snapped out of her thoughts, a blush creeping into her cheeks.

“I-I'm sorry, what was that?” She stammered, her eyes shifting to the desk.

“I asked where you lived before you came here.” Bridget repeats, a warm smile on her lips.

“San Francisco.” Fern mutters, as she glances back up to meet Bridget's eyes.

“Wow! What are you doing all the way in the tiny town of Beaufort then?” Bridget exclaims, throwing her hands in the air excitedly, her mouth forming in the shape of an “o”.

“My mom's job.” Fern sighs, slumping into her seat a little. Bridget nods in understanding.

“Usually the case.” Bridget continues, still nodding her head. Fern nods in agreement. Fern thought that Bridget would have stopped talking, not the case. She talked the entire period, asking what living in a big city was like, Fern usually answering with short, uncomfortable answers. Bridget must have been the teachers pet because the teacher didn't seem to mind them talking, she would even send some smiles their way. The bell finally rang, letting everyone leave and start heading to their next period. Fern pulled out her schedule, trying to figure out where she needed to go next.

“What class do you have next?” Bridget says, falling into step next to her. Fern hands Bridget the paper. Bridget lets out a high pitched squeal, making Fern flinch slightly. “We have PE together!” Bridget shouts, resulting in a few stares their way. Fern widens her eyes and quickly looks back towards the ground, her face burning from embarrassment.

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