Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Weeks had gone by and Aden and Fern still weren't talking, whenever Fern would walk up to Aden, Jay would slip in front and steer her in the opposite direction. Jay and Fern had gotten closer, seeing as Jay would never leave her alone, Fern didn't mind though. Soon it was the first day of winter break and a blanket of puffy white snow was covering the earth around them. It doesn't usually snow in Beaufort, but she lives more in land and up in the mountains, so it's an exception. Fern watched with bright eyes at tiny little snowflakes came floating silently down from the dark, cloudy skies. Fern had never witnessed snow before because she lived in San Francisco, she had an urge to run out and fall back into the delicate color of white engulfing everything. She did just that. She pulled on all her snow gear and waddled down the stairs awkwardly, calling to her mom and telling her what she was doing.

Fern sighed in relief as she made it outside and jumped backwards, landing with a silent thud in the powder. The whole world seemed to be at a stand still. It was so silent from the snow, Fern imagined the tiny snowflakes soaking up the outside sound and leaving her in a peaceful world, where no one could ever touch or hurt her. Fern closed her eyes as she began to flap her arms rapidly up and down. She stopped and stood up, admiring her work. Fern was about to start a snowman, but swore she heard her voice being called in the distance. Fern kept on working thinking it was her imagination until she heard it again. Fern kitted her eyebrows in confusion as she turned in circles, only to be met with white walls surrounding her.

“Who's there?” She called nervously. No answer. She felt herself panic as she kept turning in circles. “Show yourself.” Fern commanded, now armed with a fairly good sized snowball. No answer. Just as Fern was about to run inside, a figure from the wall of white, slowly came into view. Fern tried screaming for help, but the snow had engulfed the sound, making it sound muffled and weak. Fern was frozen with fear as the figure came at her at a painstakingly slow pace. Fern raised her arm, preparing to throw the compacted piece of ice hard at the figure.

“Fern?” The figure choked, making Fern drop the snowball in surprise, tears brimming her eyes. The person was now standing in front of Fern. Fern looked up at their face, tears making her vision blurry and the ones falling down her face freezing on her cheeks.

“D-dad?” Fern squeaked, attempting to wipe the tears away that were now falling fast down her face.

“Hi Froggie.” He spoke, tears in his eyes, a bright smile forming on his face. He knelt down so Fern was face to face with him. Fern studied every detail, his hazel eyes, which she took after, his light brown hair that had been cut so short Fern almost couldn't see it, to his uniform. Fern broke as she flung herself into his arms, while his arms wrapped around her protectively. They hugged while the snow swirled and danced around them. He tried standing up, but Fern clung on, not wanting the hug to be broken.

“Let's go say hi to your mother.” He whispered. Fern nodded and looked up to her father, his eyes brimmed red from crying. Fern held his hand as they walked side-by-side, up and into the house, the tears still flowing fast down her face. As they walked in Fern's mother was typing fast and furiously, her hair that had been thrown up into a pony tail was messy, and her shoulders were hunched up from stress. Fern's dad looked down and nodded to Fern, signaling that he wanted to surprise her mother.

“Hey, mom?” Fern called cautiously.

“Hmm?” She responded, slowly turning around in her seat. As her eyes fell on Fern's dad, the tears immediately fell down her cheeks faster than when she was typing. “Mark?” She sobbed, still sitting in her seat in shock.

“Heather.” Mark responded, dropping his bag with a loud thud, and opening his arms for a hug. Heather got up and ran into Mark's arms, a passionate yet gentle kiss followed. Fern couldn't help keep the smile off her face as she watched both her parents cry from happiness. They shared one last kiss before opening their arms for Fern to join. They all hugged each other, neither one of them wanting to break it. Fern and her mother had not seen Mark, for a very long time, since he was in the war they rarely got to speak to him either. This was the first family moment that they shared together in a year, and all of them couldn't speak because of the happiness bubbling inside each of them and oozing from their pores. They all walked over to the couch and chatted excitedly, telling of tales that had happened in the past year. Fern was telling her father how high school was going. She was smiling and recalling all the weird and odd stuff Bridget had made her do, but then she had accidentally mentioned Aden's name and her smile dropped and a lump formed in her throat.

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