Chapter 6

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Emmy's POV: I was sitting down on the couch waiting for Jasmine, I heard the door open & saw Jasmine walking in the room while I smiled. "So, how'd it go?" She asked me curiously. "It went great." I said as I heard a knock at the door so I opened it to see Phillipa & Reneé. "Hi, Emmy wanna have a slumber party." Reneé said with a smile. "Sure." I said as I let them inside. "We already packed our clothes & everything." She told me & Jasmine. An few hours has passed & we were all in our pajamas, sitting in a circle. Jasmine & I were talking about Anthony & Daveed in private while Phillipa were making popcorn while Reneé is finding a good movie for us to watch.

Jasmine's POV: I was telling Emmy about Anthony while she was telling me about Daveed. "Hey, girls wanna play truth or dare?" Phillipa asked us. "Sure." I said while Emmy was unsure about this. "Okay, who wants to go first?" She asked us as Emmy & I shallow a lump in our throats felling scared but I finally gave in. "I'll go." I said. "Okay, Jas truth or dare?" Phillipa asked me as I took a deep breath. "Uh, truth." I said as I waited for the question. "Okay, do you have a crush on anyone?" She asked me. "Yes, I do." I said to her. "Oh, who is it?" Reneé added as she was curious about it. "Um, I can't tell you yet." I told them.

No one's POV: "Okay, Emmy your turn." Phillipa said as she smiled just like she did when she played Eliza in the musical. "Alright." Emmy said calmly ready for the question. "Truth or dare, Emmy?" She asked her. "Um d-I mean truth." Emmy said nervously. Phillipa heard a ding sound meaning the popcorn was done so she asked Reneé to ask Emmy an question. "Okay, is it true that you have a crush on someone." She asked her as Emmy's face started to turn red. "Um...yes it's true." Emmy said as Reneé looked at her. "Ooh, really who is it~" She said before Emmy could answer Phillipa came back with the popcorn in her hands. "Hey girls I'm back." She said happily.

To be continued...

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