Chapter 7

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Jasmine's POV: I took a shower & got dressed. I saw Reneé, Phillipa looking at me like I was hiding something from them. "What." I said as they looked at me, Reneé smirked at me. "We know for a fact that you like Anthony." Reneé said with confidence. "What no do you know that." I asked her. "When I asked you if you liked someone you were blushing." Reneé said cunningly as Phillipa agreed, I went a bit embarrassed about it. "I thought Emmy told you guys about it." I'd explained to them. "No, Emmy didn't tell us we found it out by ourselves." Phillipa told me. "Oh, sorry I can't talk for a while, I'm going to hangout with Anthony." I told them. "Oooh, are you guys going on a date~" Reneé asked me while Phillipa giggled. "No, we're just going to get lunch together that's all." I said as I'd looked around. "Where's Emmy?" I asked them. "Oh, Emmy's hanging out with Ariana & Carliegh." Phillipa said. "Oh well, I've gotta go bye." I said as I'd left to go see Anthony.

Anthony's POV: Jasmine & I want to get lunch so we decided to get takeout. We ordered something simple like a burger or pizza. "Okay, I've got the pizza." I said as I saw Jasmine smile like an angel. "Now, we can go & watch a movie in my room." I said as Jasmine had felt a little tired & laid her head on my shoulder, I was blushing furiously while she fell asleep. "Yeah, a movie sounds good to me." She said as she started to fall asleep but only until we made it back to the apartment building. I'd put the pizza inside my room & carried Jasmine inside as well, I'd set her down gently on the couch & shook her awake again. This time she woke up, she stretched out a bit to relax. "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep through out the car ride." She told me as I'd laughed an little. "It's fine, besides at least you didn't sleep through the movie, I was about to play it." I said as I put the movie on & pressed play. "Okay." She said as she smiled at me. "Hey, Jas wanna an slice." I'd asked her offering Jasmine a slice of pizza. "Yeah, sure." She said as she took a piece of pizza as we watched the movie.

That's all for now

See you guys later

Sorry I didn't update this story in a while, I'll try updating every once in awhile though

If you want a new demmy chapter or janthony then comment here for a idea, you guys would like me to do

Bye my angels

P.S @jazzyjonesfan asked for this chapter, so I hope she likes it

Like I said before if you want a new demmy chapter or janthony then comment here for a idea, you guys would like me to do

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