Chapter 6.5

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This is part 2 of Chapter 6

Emmy's POV: "Um d-I mean truth." Emmy said nervously. Phillipa heard a ding sound meaning the popcorn was done so she asked Reneé to ask me a question. "Okay, is it true that you have a crush on someone?" She asked her as my face started to immediately turn bright red. "Um...yes it's true." I said as Reneé looked at me. "Ooh, really who is it~" She said before I could answer the question Phillipa came back with the popcorn in her hands. "Hey, girls I'm back." She said happily. "Great, let's continue!" Reneé said. A few turns went by & it was Phillipa's turn to ask me a question or a dare. "Okay, Emmy truth or dare." She asked me. "I'll pick dare this time." I said nervously. "I dare you to kiss Daveed." She said as my face was extremely red while Reneé & Jasmine giggled at the dare. "U-uh, change my mind I want a question." I'd blurted it. "Nope, you've gotta do the dare." Phillipa told me.

Daveed's POV: I was in the lobby, listening to music with my headphones in my ears. I was writing in my journal that I got from my mom from Christmas when I was a little boy. I was minding my own business someone walked towards me. "Hey, Daveed." I heard someone say as I looked up & took my headphones out of my ears. "Oh, hey Jalene long time no see." I said. Jalene is my old girlfriend but lucky for us, we became friends after the break-up & we don't like each other anymore mainly because Jalene is engaged to someone else. "Yeah, I know right." She said as she sat down across talking about our life so far. A few minutes passed & Jalene left after that we said bye to each other then I put my headphones back in my ears & continued to write into my journal.

No one's POV: Emmy was so nervous cause she was about to kiss Daveed. She was walking across the room then took a deep breath. "Uh, Daveed." She said nervously. "Oh hey Em." He said as he took his headphones out of his ears. "What are you doing?" She asked him. "Oh, I'm just writing." The rapper explained to the actress. "Writing a song about someone." He said as Emmy took a sneak peek of the song. "Aww, that's so sweet of you." She said as she smiled. "Thanks." He said as Emmy sat down next to him. "Can I read it or at least sing it?" The actress asked the rapper. "Uh, sure." He said as he handed her the journal. Emmy started to sing a line from his journal then Daveed's heart started to race a bit as he heard her voice. His thoughts: Emmy's singing is so...beautiful...Snap out of it Daveed you're just friends with her...I think I am...After Emmy stopped singing, she looked at him then smiles. "So, how was that?" She asked him curiously. "Oh, it was great your voice is sweet." He said as he smiled back at her. "Thanks." Emmy said as the actress blushed a little bit at the rapper's comment. Daveed laughs softly then held her hand. "I've gotta go, I hope you to talk to you tomorrow au revoir, mademoiselle~" Daveed said as he gave her a kiss her hand sounding like his character Lafayette.

Jasmine's POV: Once Emmy came back from her talk with Daveed. Reneé, Phillipa & I were all giggling & were in awe of cute the moment. "That was cute!" Phillipa said as Reneé & I nodded our heads. "Wait you guys saw that?" Emmy asked us as the 3 of us all said yes we saw nothing but Emmy's face glowing bright red. "Okay that proves it you & Daveed totally like each other." Reneé said with so confidence that Phillipa & I agreed on the statement. "C-c'mon let's go back to the room & play the game some more o-okay."Emmy said while changing the subject of what happened pushing me, Phillipa & Reneé to the elevator still giggling at what we saw leaving Emmy to be a blushing mess.

That was pt 2 for chapter 6?

I hope you enjoyed it

Bye my stars

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