Chapter 9.5

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This chapter 9.5

Jasmine's POV: I was gonna go to the carnival with Anthony, this is gonna be fun! I wonder if anyone else is going with us. I was brushing my hair & heard someone knock on the door, Emmy wasn't here cause she was with Phillipa & they were at corner store, I'd opened the door & it was Reneé. "Hey Jas, is Emmy here?" She asked me. "No, she's with phillipa right now." I told her as we decided to get something to eat before Emmy & Phillipa came back from the corner store, Emmy texted me not to long ago telling her that they were on their way back to the hotel. After a while, they came back from the corner store. "Hey guys." Reneé said as she waved hi to them. "Hey, you wouldn't believe who Emmy bumped into." Phillipa said as I saw Emmy's face turn red. "Oooo who~" Reneé asked her teasingly as I'd smirked a little bit at her face turning red.

Emmy's POV: Phillipa & I were at the corner store, getting a couple of things, I had told Phillipa that I was gonna get some snacks until I bumped into someone, it was Daveed. I was so nervous whenever I was around him, he held his hand out towards me, helping me up. "Uh, t-thanks." I said as I felt super nervous around him. "What are you doing here?" He asked me as Phillipa came by. "We were just getting a couple of snacks." She said as I nodded my head shyly. "What about you?" She asked him. "Oh, I'm only here to get a friend of mine a snack & a drink too but he's a bit stubborn about not taking a break from his work." Daveed said as he laughed a little. "Oh, do we know him?" I asked him still a little shy but curious as well. "You might know him actually, his name is Rafael Casal but I call him Raf." He explained to me & Reneé. " you...mean Rafael who was in Bad Education." I said happily. "Yeah, pretty much but I've gotta go so see you two later." Daveed said as he waved bye to us. "I can't believe that happened to you." Phillipa said as she nudges me teasingly as we went back to the hotel.

Time skip to both ships going to carnival 🎡

Anthony's POV: Jasmine & I were at carnival, we were checking out some rides. "What ride do you want to go on, Jas?" I asked her as I saw her look around at all of the rides. "Uh, how about we get  something to eat." Jasmine suggested to me so we did, I didn't see the others with us but we did see Daveed & Emmy though, they were playing a few games around the carnival. "How about we go on this ride after we finish." Jasmine asked as she pointed to a ride, it was a rollercoaster. "Okay, I mean it doesn't look that scary to me." I said. So, after we ate then we got on the rollercoaster...I heard everyone who was on it screaming but, I couldn't tell if they were screams of terror of joy either way me & Jasmine were having fun & that's all that matters to me.

Daveed's POV: Emmy & I were playing a few games before we got on some of these rides. "Hey Emmy want some funnel cake." I asked her as I saw her tilt her head a bit. "What's funnel cake?" She asked me, I was shocked by this. "You don't know what funnel cake is?" I asked her. "No, I mean I heard of it but I've never tried it before." Emmy explained to me so I paid a funnel cake for Emmy to try. "Here have a piece, it's really good I promise." I promised her as she took a piece & ate it, I saw her eyes light up with a cute smile on her face. "This is really good!" Emmy said while I laughed. "I told you." I said as she smiled more as she continued to eat some more of the funnel cake, I ate some as well. We decided on what to do, we thought of going on a few rides with other then to go on a ride just me & Emmy. "Let's go on this one together." I said as I'd pointed to the Ferris wheel. "A-are you sure?" Emmy said stuttering a little bit as I saw her shake in fear.

Emmy's POV (again): We decided on what to do, we thought of going on a few rides with other then to go on a ride just me & Daveed. "Let's go on this one together." He said as he'd pointed to the Ferris wheel. "A-are you sure?" I asked him stuttering a little bit as he saw me shake in fear. I was scared of heights ever since I was a little girl & I always hear that some people from being in the Ferris wheel. "Hey, are you okay?" Daveed asked me, "Yeah, it's just that I'm terrified of heights." I said with horror in my eyes, I felt someone's hand intertwine with mine it was Daveed's. "Well don't worry you won't be on the Ferris wheel alone, I'm coming with you & make sure you get over your fear." Daveed told me, I didn't even know that I was blushing at him holding my hand. We got on the Ferris wheel, he sat next to me still holding my hand. "See, it's not so bad." He said but I was too scared to look, I was holding his arm making sure I wouldn't fall or worst. "Emmy, give me your hands." Daveed said as I took my hands into his, he told me to look up not down, I had my eyes closed but when I opened them it looked so beautiful. The lights on each ride were so bright but beautiful as well, I heard fireworks go off & a ray of multiple colors blew off across the sky. "Wow, it's beautiful." I said having the biggest smile on my face when I turned around I saw Daveed smile too until I heard something clang sound of the Ferris wheel, I held on to him for dear life, scared of what will happen next but Daveed put his arm around me protectively. "It's gonna be okay, Emmy I'm right here...just think of something that makes you happy." He told me as I closed my eyes & thought of a few things that made me happy, then I felt the beat of someone's heart against my ear, it was Daveed's. I didn't even I fell asleep on him until we got off the Ferris wheel.

Time skip to both ships going back to their rooms

No one's POV: Anthony & Jasmine were the first ones to go back to their rooms, waiting on their roommates. "I had fun with you." Daveed said as Emmy smiled. "Me too, I'm sorry that I slept on your chest." Emmy apologized. "It's okay, don't worry about it." Daveed said as Emmy made it to her hotel room, she was about to go into her room when she got a text from Jasmine, Emmy took her phone out of her purse & saw the text message from Jasmine. Text message in italics: Jazzy: Hey Em. Emmy replied back. Emmy: Hi Jas can you make this short-. Jasmine smirk & reply. Jazzy: Oooh are you with Daveed 😏~ Emmy blushed but replied back. Emmy: Yes now what is it? Jasmine reminds her about the time they played truth or dare with Phillipa & Reneé. Jazzy: You remember that dare Pippa told you to do. Emmy was nervous. Emmy: N-no I can't do that he's gonna hate me. Jasmine matter-of-factly. Jazzy: Oh just do it Em, besides I'm pretty sure he's into you anyways. Emmy gave in & sighed. Emmy:...Ugh fine I'll do it. "...Um, D-daveed." Emmy said shyly. "Yeah, Em." He said with an smile. "P-please don't hate me for this." She said as she stood on her tippy toes, grabbed his face & kissed him, Daveed was shocked by this gesture but runs his fingers through her hair, this kiss lasted for 2 minutes until Emmy broke the kiss, both of them panting for air. "This was a dare, I'm sorry!" She said as she ran to her room as Daveed went back to his hotel room, closed the door & puts his hand on his mouth, panting for air of what just happened all while blushing intensely. "So you were busy making out with your girlfriend than to call me." Daveed saw his best friend of high school, smirking at him from the door way. "Wha-When did you-Emmy's not my girlfriend!" Daveed said stuttering & blushing at the same time. "Uh huh sure she's not~" Rafael said teasing him. "S-SHUT UP RAF!" He said as he felt embarrassed by what happened & what's going on right now.


This chapter took forever to upload but it's finally done
Bye my janthony & demmy shippers
I hope you liked & enjoyed it
That's all for now
See ya later

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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