Chapter 8

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This is chapter 8
It's gonna be a moment between daveed & emmy

No one's POV: Daveed was going out to see his brother so he took a shower & he heard a knock at the door, so he opened it to see Emmy was still smiling but had full concern in her voice. "Hey, Daveed I'm sorry that the others spied on us the other day but whoa!" As she'd slips & falls on him, laying on his chest. The rapper looked at & asked her. "Emmy are you okay?" He said as Emmy lifted her head up. "Yeah, I'm f-fi-." She stopped midsentence & said oh my gosh 3 times. "What's wrong?" He said as Daveed tilted his head a bit. "U-um, look down." Emmy said as she covers her face with her hands, she hadn't realized she landed on his chest while feeling so embarrassed. The tall man laughed while taking her hands from her face & helping her up. "It's fine, you know I have to say it must be like fate or something because this is the second time today you have fallen for me." He said as he gave her a wink. "Oh, hush Diggs besides..." She said as she had used his cane from the musical & continued. "You're not good at flirting, I could do it better than you." Emmy said as Daveed smirked a bit. "Oh, really." He says it in Thomas Jefferson accent & looks at Emmy straight in the eye. "Show me then." The actress had cleared her throat as she looks at him then grabbed his shirt & pulls him to her height level to where their faces kinda connect. "Ok, do you know if there are any police around cause I'm about to steal...your heart~" She whispers into his ear & sees him blushing after the compliment. "So, how was that?" Emmy asked him. "Cheesy as heck, but cute nonetheless, okay I'm about to give my best one, so brace yourself." He told her as Emmy nodded her head & with that said he pulls her in from the waist & said. "Are you a parking ticket, because you've got fine written all over you." He said as he grins, obviously very proud of himself as the actress started to giggle. "Yours was cuter than mine." She said as she realized that the rapper was still holding her waist. "Um Daveed..." She said as he let Emmy go. "Oh sorry." He said as he blushes intensely. "Um my bad, sorry again." He said. "It's okay, I've gotta go & I was serious about the milkshake from the other day, it was delicious." As she smiles then leaves once she was gone.

Daveed's POV: I was asleep on the couch for a bit when I'd groaned at the sound of my phone ringing, I grabbed my phone without looking at the caller ID. "Um hello?" I asked him. "Hey Daveed it's me Rafael what's up." Rafael said. "Oh nothing much what's up with you?" I asked him. "Oh you know same old same old but I've gotta ask you something." Rafael said then paused. "Okay, what is it" I asked him back. "I saw the cast list from the play you were in you know hamilton & I've gotta there any girl you like in that cast~" Rafael teased. "There it is, I knew you weren't just calling just to call, you always gotta be setting me up with somebody." I said as I laughed lightly then answered his question. "Well for your information, yes there is." I replied back. "I'm your best friend, what you'd expect." He said as he went back into his teasing tone. "Ooo who is it~" I sighed & replied. "Why are you all up in my business?" I said sarcastically. "But if you must know her name is Emmy & she is super beautiful." I said as I go on long rant about how much i like her & what she's like to my best friend: Rafael. "'ve got a big crush on her, I bet you 50 bucks that you guys will get married in the future~" He said. "M-married?!" I said as I'd began to blush furiously while my heart skipped a beat then my best friend was laughed lightly. "I'm just kidding Dav." Rafael said to his friend. "Don't joke like that man you had my heart beating out of my chest." I said as he laughed loudly. "Oh, you've got it bad for her...she sounds like a keeper plus she did an amazing job in the umbrella academy too." He said as he sends me of Emmy with long hair from the umbrella academy. I looked at the picture & blushed furiously. After an while, I went to my parents house to se my brother until I heard a knock on my door.

This is the picture of Emmy with long hair

Emmy's POV: I knocked on the door, I waited for him

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Emmy's POV: I knocked on the door, I waited for him. "Hey, Daveed where are you going?" I asked him. "Oh, I'm just going to see my brother that's all." He told me. "I didn't know you have a sibling." I said. "Well, I do & my parents are going out of town so now I have to watch him & make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." He told me. "Oh, well maybe I can help you with your brother if you'd like." I asked him calmly. "Help sounds good Em thanks." He told me as I smiled softly. "No problem." I said as we went to his parents house. "Your parents have such a nice house, Daveed." I told him. "Thanks, I'll tell them you said that." He said as I looked around. "So, where's your brother?" I asked him before he could tell me, I saw his brother coming down the stairs. "Hi Daveed, what's up?" He asked Daveed, Malcolm looked at me while I smiled a little. "And who's your new girlfriend." He asked as Daveed told me what his name was before we went to his parents house, I saw him blush like crazy. "Uh, she's not my girlfriend." He said I could tell he cringed as he says those words. "Anyways what are you doing, I thought you lost the key to our parents place." Daveed said as his brother cleared his throat. "Yeah, I went through the window & I was reading a book in your room." Malcolm confessed to him. "You went through my bedroom window?! And you're reading my books, okay." Daveed was mad but he took an deep breath to not hurt his brother. "What, I read one book in your room it's not a big deal." I saw that Malcolm was holding journal in his hands with the words personal on the cover. "Daveed are you okay." I asked him as he almost starts to attack his brother. "Daveed, calm down can you hand me the journal please." I told Daveed to calm down & I asked Malcolm give me the journal. Eventually he gave it to me & I handed it to Daveed to make him stop being mad. "Here now you won't hurt him." I told him.

No one's POV (again): Soon after that incident happened, Daveed & Emmy decided to watch a movie. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Daveed asked Emmy. "Yeah, a movie sounds good to me but genre do you want to watch." She told the rapper. "How about a movie with romance & a little bit of horror." She continued to talk to the rapper. "That's like one of my favorite genres." Daveed said as she grabbed the disk out of the movie box. "Okay, I'll put it on." She said as she puts the disk in the DVD player & starts to the movie. A few hours passed & Emmy was feeling a little scared in the middle of the movie, she was shaking like a leaf. The rapper looks over at the actress & puts his hand around her shoulder pulling her close to him. "Don't be scared I'm here." He said as the umbrella academy actress looks at him then smiles after taking a deep breath. "Okay, I think I'm calm now" She said calmly. "Are you sure, Em." He asked her. "Yes, I'm calm." She said as she smiles at him. "Well, do you want me to keep my arm here or move it?" He said as Emmy felt a little nervous. "Keep it here in case, I get scared again." She said as Daveed smiled as they start to cuddle in closer. Emmy looks at him then smiled but screams after watching a little bit of horror, grabbing the rapper's arm like he's a fluffy animal. "S-sorry." She stutters a bit as he laughs but he didn't laugh at her. "It's okay, that's why I'm here." He said as Emmy smiles at him. After that, the rapper took her back to her & Jasmine's hotel room. "That movie was good." Daveed said as Emmy agreed. "Yeah, it was okay but I might have nightmares after that." Emmy told him & he hugs her as the actress blushed lightly. "Emmy, are you okay?" He asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine...I've gotta go." She said. "Okay, au revoir mademoiselle~" Daveed as he bowed down in front of her & kisses her cheek while Emmy blushed more but smiled at him & went into her apartment. Meanwhile, Anthony in his room, He looks at Daveed who smirks at him as the rapper looked a bit confused. "Mademoiselle huh~" The freckled man said as the rapper blushed. "Uh can we talk about this later, Anthony." Daveed said. "Okay fine." Anthony said as they both felt tired so they went to own room in the the apartment & went to sleep

That's all for now
See you guys later
Bye my angels
Sorry, I didn't update this story in a while.
Also Tiaboo11 (@Tiaboo11) don't think I forgot about your idea that's gotta be chapter 9 or 10 if that's okay with you

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